part 17 team despair returns and trip vs ash

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I don't own pokemon or naurto or yu gi oh
Team despair returns ash eyes change color  to red with h in them. Now ash says let's play a soul duel  in this duel we play with cards. 4000 life points each now ash says I go first my level for flame fox now trip we shall play for keeps bo tg first flame foxes effect actives since flam ed fox has 1000 and he was summon he gets 1000 attack point but that not all active my spell card xyz evolution my bonds will come on with the universe spacial xyz summon xyz rank 4 twin flame fox. Now twin flames now gain 500 attack for every card on either side of regeradlse if it's a spell card monster or trap. Fool you can't win ash says I place 2 cards on field and end my turn . Now trip says I draw I summon this card face down in defence mode and end my turn. Ash says it time end this I active my spell card H heated heart now mister has 4000 but I place 4 card face down 6000 attck point ash says that's more than enough to beat you. Trip says ha you damage me even with all that attack point ash says fool it's over because h heated heart allows piercing damage now finish this fool racing tail fang claw. Trip life point drop to zero because he had kuribo face down. Trip says I will be back to be continued
Peace out 

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