chapter 42 yuma vs ash

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I don't own pokemon or yu gi oh.
Ash appears infront on yuma. Yuma I challenge you to a duel. Yuma says I accept  now let's duel. Duel gazer set
Now ash says God eye activates. Yuma looks shock to see a eye with the h word in. Yuma this duel will decide who has the stongest ace card.
Now let's dueld 8000 ash 8000 life points. Now yuma I draw now summon god gogo  golem in attack mode 1880 ark 1550 defence point twice per turn if this card is atk mode it can't be destroyed also you take the damage I would of taken yuma you are dueling a god so show if you have what it takes to beat me or I will have to up the stakes. Yuma says even if your god duel gods and stil came on top. spoiler if you haven't watch s3 zexal ash says without zexal you and astral you are nothing but a naive fool . Yuma says I will show what a fool can do. My turn yuma says shining draw just what I needed. I now summon golbinburg now summon gaga magician now I build the overly network to summon number 39 utiopa 2500 2000 defence.
Now go utiopa  rising sun slash yuma looks at his life points 7360 yuma ash 8000 yuma says why did I take damage sand your monster isn't destroyed ash I can't be destroyed up twice per turn and you take the damage I would have to take. Yuma says this duel is getting more fun by the minute.  Yuma say I end my turn with a facedown. Ash says I draw now it's time I summon hope magician level 4 1500atk 0 deface once used as long as this is xyz material your xyz monster is immune to everything. Now ash build the positive overly network now appear number 39 light utiopa 2500 2500 Yuma this will be the battle of the utiopas so let's deul now go light utiopa attack  with light rising slash now yumas I ative my utiopa effect go light wing sheild which negated my monster effect.
Now ash says I throw one facedown. Now yuma says I draw. Now yuma says I set a card and end my turn.
Ash says I draw now I seta card now atk with light utiopa go atk utiopa yuma say go light wing sheild. Now ative gods negeat when I have light utiopa on feild your ability is negated
Now it's time end this I use one overly United to double my utiopa atk  yuma says I ative half unbreak which cuts the damage I would of take and slso my monster an'nt destroyed. Now yuma life points 4000 wait why is my life points becase since you ative my trap card is special becase ir conter half unbreak when half unbreak instead of cutting players life points in half makes your life points 4000 so yuma think you can beat a god now and I end my turn with a facedown.
Now yuma says shinning draw now yuma says I ative my spell car rank up nurmon torch which let's me rebuild no overly network to summon c39 utiopa ray victory. I ative my trap utiopa capture which allows me to control of one ranked up utiopa for 40 turns yuma says no utiopa. Yuma says I end my turn. Ash says my preparation for my victory starts  now shining draw now active polyomation to fuse light utiopa and c39 utiopa to fusion summon hope utiopa fusion chaos dragon can only be cushioned by light utiopa and a chaos xyz monster.  It has level12 10000atk 0defece it gains 1000 extra 10000 atk for every xyz monster every deck. Now all monsters 150000 atk points now atk yuma directly also all spell traps are negated you lost yuma  becase you lost you way since astral disappeared now go flaming rising dragon slash. Yuma 0 ash 8000. Yuma let me tell you what you did wrong you were busy trying to beat me and believing in your card. And will see yuma now ash desipar. To be continued.

Also before announce the next chapter I will like to talk covid 19 virus that's going around and also to flat out to tell readers I don't have it.
Now that allow I want yo announced
For now. Next chapter final match yuya vs ash.

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