part 14 ash vs red and jake

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I don't own pokemon naurto and yu gi oh
I ash was walking without Nate then bump into red and champion Jake. Jake says ash ketchum I was looking for you I challenge you to a double bate with red 6 on 6 battle. Ash says I accept  you challenge.  Ash send out emboar and pikachu ash says if you can,t all five you can face creator because I'm going all out. Red sends out pikachu Jake send out salamance

Now ash says pikachu use bolt strike
And emboar use flamethrower  on pikachu  reds  pikachu gets hit by all attacks and faints red says you did well my friend now to send out jolton
Jolton spoiler if you haven't watch pokemon origin it's on youtube. Now it's time for my original electric pokemon jolton use thunder on emboar which hits emboar and faints.
Jake commands salamence use draco meteor on pikachu which hits pikachu and faints. Now ash send out bay leaf  and sends out garchomp and ash says baleaf use frenzy plant on jolton and garchomp use dragon rush on salamen both attacks hit and both red and Jake pokemon  faint red sends out lapars and Jake sends out inferape
Red say lapars use ice beam and inferape use close combat on both pokemon but ash pokemon faint now ash says I only bring five pokemon with right now. Ash Chants hear my call my firey friend creator. Creator ends reds pokemon with demon slash which hits lapars and lapars faints red says take a rest my friend  now call my final pokemon charzard anf Jake says I call latios now red  hear my heart and mega evolve  charzard mega evolves into charzard x. Now Jake listen to my heart and mega evolve latios now ash Crete final fall is 2 that when theirs two pokemon it always land but if its legendary pokemon it missis now charzard faints but missis latios ash say hear my hope for a better further use dark dragon rush which hit latios and latios faints. Jake says I need to get stronger.
To be continued.

Find out next time

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