part 32 chris bolt vs ash duel of fate

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I don't own yu gi oh, pokemon or naurto
Ash ketchum I challenge you to duel the likes you never and I will become strong enough to stop the coming threat and the names Chris bolt. Ash says challenge accepted. Duel set 4000 life points. 4000 life points. Ash says I will go first ash says I throw down two spell or trap cards face down and end my turn chris grins and says you belive playing it safe will help your not the person you once were who always comes out on top new god of hope. ash says what are you talking about ask ash chris bolt says once you learned about how the world work slowly waved from being the best their was. Now my turn I active harpies feather duster to blow all your trap cards off the field.ash looks down and rembers something I can't give up I promised everyone serena,brock,nate,fear,yugi,yuya,and myself. I won't lose here chris bolt chris bolt says I summon fear god boar 2000atk and 2000def. And I end my turn with a facedown. My turn let me show true power I active polymation which I fuse together my three blues to summon bule a new type of blue eyes summon method summon the six head blue eyes king dragon get this 4000atk 10defence but will both effect I destroy your face which leaves you wide open can you fill it you one step off from defeat because I activate my monster second ability by giving all but one life point it gain 3000 active and it takes a monster its atk is tripled you lose chris bolt. Ash says atk chris bolts monster and end this duel with god stream of destruction. Which makes chris bolt life points zero . Chris bolt says your readh for the most challenge because pokemon league will be pokemon battles second duels first to see gets send out their pokemon first. Ash says I will head next because I'm going teleport now that I'm stronger than ever. Ash teleports to the pokemon league. To be continued.

So its getting closer to the final battle what will happen find out next Time on god of hope.

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