ash meets red part 6

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I don't own pokemon or naruto

Ash talks to the pokemon trainer who says his name Is red ketchum. Who ash is shocked that they have the same name. Now ash says why do you have the  same name red says because ash i'm your dad and I need your help to stop this threat called team despair I been in this region trying to stop them but I belive you will be the one to stop them ash says why me. Red says because you and Nate draw with this region champion. Red says I challenge  you ash to a pokemon battle. Ash says I accept your challenge ash sends out ivysaur. Red sends out blastoise ash says ivysaur vine whip  red says doge it blastoise gets hit by a vine whip red says blastoise hydro pump ash says ivysaur doge it ivysaur doge it.  Ash saya now ivysaur use solar beam on blastoise pump canon hole are red says stand there and wait patiently. Blastoise takes the hit and faints. Red sends out venisaur. Red says venisaur use frenzy plant which hit ivysaur and ivysaur faints. Ash sends out inferape ash says inferape use flamethrower  which hit venisaur and venisaur faints now red sends out his last pokemon charzard come out my friend.  Now ash eyes change collar and shape his eyes into his power which he says to inferape let's get stronger  stronger together now inferape becomes into a flames appear around both and inferape becomes one with ash he looks like inferape but has a rainbow body.  Now inferape use flamebody punch and hits charzard but leaves no mark.
Red says charzard finish this with dragon pulse which hits inferape and faints. Now ash sends out his last pokemon which is pikachu. Ash says pikachu thunderbolt which hit charzard and only leaves it with a barely  any damage. Now red says charzard now let's mega evolve charzard becomes charzard x charzard use dragon rush which hits pikachu. Ash says pikachu you can do this. Pikachu stands barely now finish this pikachu bolt strike pikachu hit charzard then faints but charzard was still standing to be continued

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