chapter 22 nate vs yuma duel of fate

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I don't own pokemon or yu gi oh or naurto

Nate walks into after hearing ash defeat to yuma  nates says to  yuma I'm hear for a challenge I challenge you to a duel. Yuma says I accept your challenge. Let's duel Nate actives his eyes. Duel disk appears out of nowhere. Yuma says I go first so I summon a monster in sentence mode and place a card face down and end my turn. Nate says I draw and i will active my hero call from hand this allows me too summon two card that 4 or below from my deck and summon but are destroyed if their not hero monster at end of my turn. Ash says so I will summon fear hero frost and fero hero fire now can build the ovary network and summon a number and I summon number 1000 golden hero frost 2500atck 2900defence. Now active golden special built I'm aloweld to attack you directly but every time attack you directly you take 1500 life points your life points drop to 2500 an all traps are disabled because of its effect and I will throw down a face down.  4000nates yuma 2500. Yuma says I draw a card now will flip my monster to attack mode and summon go go giant and every my two monsters too summon number 39 utiop and end my turn nates I draw card this duel is over because I drew a card that end this duel active its effect right now heros might it destroy all cards and my opponent  takes all the damage I would take and you 5000 points damage go golden hero frost use frost heat might yuma takes 5000 points of damage and his life points drop to zero. 4000 Nate 0 yuma yuma says take your 6 badge only 6 more two go before change the pokemon league. To be continued.

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