Chapter 3

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Izuku pov:

I didn't say anything as I looked at Kacchan, keeping my face devoid of any emotion.

Not that it was difficult, since I woke up here, I hardly felt anything. I didn't even cry once, I had to admit I was proud of that.

Well, I didn't feel emotion in the normal sence. All of my emotions were dull, at the back of my mind almost, I had to fake most of my emotions, but Kacchan was starting to annoy me.

He just stood there, not moving a muscle as he stared at me from the doorway. I didn't want to see him anymore.

I wanted him to leave, now if convenient. If inconvenient, I still wanted him to leave.

"Kacchan." I finally said when I realized he wasn't going to say anything.

I was surprised how cold my voice was, if I had an ice quirk he'd be frozen solid, but it did sound a little weird with the lisp so their was no real malice.

He blinked at me never taking his eyes of my scar, he seemed to be in some sort of trance. I noticed Mom wasn't here anymore, I stiffened at the realization, before relaxing again.

Oddly enough, I didn't feel the usual fear when I looked at him. Looking at him now, broken and in shock, I almost felt satisfied. Weird.

"I-I..." He started, trying to form a sentence before closing his mouth. I wonder what he wanted to say, did he want to apologize?

Unlikely, did he want to threaten me? I wouldn't put it past him he'll do anything to get into U.A, threatening me to keep my mouth shut, seemed more likely than an apology if I was being completely honest.

I decided to take pity on him when I realized he wasn't going to say anything without some motivation and I wanted to ask a few questions anyway, but at least now I had an idea on how to get him to leave.

"What do you want? To gloat?" I asked bluntly, waiting to see if that will get him to talk.

He'll most likely respond with aggression, that much I knew much like I knew if I get him angry enough he'll leave.

"No!" He instantly shouted "I just, I want to," I waited for him to continue "I want to say sorry okay!?" He finally snapped at me. I raised my eyebrow, surprised and amused. Who would have thought proud and powerful Kacchan would apologize to useless quirkless Deku?

"Whatever for? No one knows it was you and if they did they haven't said anything, do you think apologizing will stop me from talking? If that's the case you can leave, I don't plan on telling anyone. You can go to U.A with a clean record." I said with a small smile, I saw his eye twitch in what was probably annoyance, but most likely anger.

"I don't care about that." I snorted ,yeah right. What did he think I was? An idiot?

"We both know that's not quite true." He growled small sparks coming from his hand as he looked at the ground.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen you fucking bastard!" So he was here because he felt guilty, I deduced. I was starting to feel like Sherlock or maybe Moriarty, but it didn't surprise me that he was here because he felt guilty, it was a powerful motivator after all

"You're here because you feel guilty, don't bother, it doesn't change anything. You can leave now." I said bluntly gesturing towords the door, he stiffened, it looked like he was fighting with himself.

"Fine." He practically spat the words, but before he left he walked up to me and to my surprise he threw my 13th journal at me before leaving walking past a nurse who walked in at the same time with my lunch, causing her to almost drop the tray, she smiled nervously at him. He just scoffed and walked away.

"You're new." I said tilting my head to the side watching her. I didn't expect a new nurse so soon.

She was rather short, she had shoulder length brown hair and large brown, almost black eyes, her nervous smile didn't seem to leave her face as she looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm a volunteer, started today." I didn't like volunteers. They didn't know what they were doing half the time, some didn't even do anything since they were just here for extra credit, they just hang around in their patients room typing away at their phone.

I looked at her name tag, Uraraka. I smiled at her

"So I'm guessing you're here for extra credit, do you want to be a hero?" I asked she forced a smile, but it was clear that I unnerved her.

Her eyes gave it away, she couldn't look me in the eyes, but to be honest I couldn't really understand why, yes the scar was a bit... unusual, but if anything the lisp more than made up for it making anything I say sound almost childish

"I want to apply to U.A." She admitted keeping her answer short and sweet

"And what may I ask is your quirk?" I asked slowly reaching for the notebook Kacchan bought, I noticed a pencil in the book and flipped to a new page, waiting to see if she would tell me or run. She did seem scared of me after all.

"Zero gravity." I nodded and quickly wrote it down along with her name

"Interesting." before I could say anything else she quickly put the tray of food and tea in front of me before running out of the room.

I wasn't sure if I should be amused or sad by her reaction. In the end I just sighed putting my notebook down as I started to eat my food, it didn't matter

She was just like everyone else.

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