Chapter 9

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Izuku pov:

I muttered to myself as I walked to my room, the letter U.A sent in my hands, the answer to whether or not I got in to U.A.

I bit my lip worried, what if I was wrong? What if I didn't get into U.A? What if they disqualified me?

Some of the others were effected by the laughing gas after all, what if that counted as using it against them?

I shook my head trying to calm myself down as I walked into my room. I was going to get in, I had to think positively, I couldn't doubt myself.

I walked into my room intending to deal with the rejection or acceptance to U.A alone.

"Do you have some kind of analysis quirk?" I jumped instantly, yelping as I grabbed a half finished project from a nearby table and pointed it towards where the voice came from quickly switching on the lights so I could so who was in my room.

I probably didn't look all that threatening with a hunk of metal that had wires sticking out of it.

The person was looking threw my notebooks on my bed. He looked bored only looking interested when he saw something interesting in my notebook.

"It's like a cheat sheet for beating heroes." I blinked looking at him surprised. No one has ever complimented my notebooks before, everyone else thought it was just fan boy nonsense. They all thought it was useless.

"What?" I finally said sounding stupid, even to myself and I mentally facepalmed, mentally scolding myself, before remembering he asked if I had a quirk.

"I don't have a quirk." He instantly frowned at my answers, looking up at me while he put the notebook down. He was looking at me in confusion and curiosity

"Who are you?" I asked quickly before he could say anything. I wanted answers, not insults for my quirkless status.

"The one who saved you." He said after a few seconds. Well tonight is just filled with surprises, isn't it?

"I want to ask you a favor." Me? He wants to ask me a favor? While knowing I didn't have a quirk?

I made a gesture for him to continue putting the 'weapon' down. Curious, how very curious.

"You're going to go to U.A," It was a statement not a question, how did he know? I didn't even know for sure

"And I thought you could give me information on the students there, what quirks they have, I failed my exam and I really want to learn more." He said with a crooked smile.

Did he want to be a vigilante? No that's illegal, he wouldn't... who cares what he does?

If he does something illegal it wouldn't be my fault, all I was going to do was repay the debt I owed to him for saving my life

"Are you going to do anything illegal?" I asked, I honestly didn't care, but I had to ask, it didn't matter what his answer was, I will still help him.

"No." He was lying, I couldn't help, but to think about a child trying to lie when I looked at him.

He couldn't look me in the eye and I'm sure he was thinking he could get away with it, it was like a child thinking they can get away with a lie.

It was honestly a bit funny, he was older than me and he couldn't lie and to be blunt it was so clearly a lie I was wondering how he got away with lying to someone in the past, if he ever did get away with it.

"I'll help." He instantly smiled at me looking delighted with my words. He really had to take care of his skin, was my only thought as I looked at him

"Nice doing business with you, I'm Shigaraki Tomura." I shook his hands oddly enough it felt like I was shaking hands with the devil, I couldn't make myself care, in the hospital I was 'the devil in disguise' after all

"Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku."


Give Me Ideas Please! Writers Block Is a Bitch!

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