Chapter 15

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Izuku pov:

I was pouting, there was no other word for it, I was pouting.

Shigaraki didn't want me to go to the camp with him, he said it would be to dangerous. He insisted it wasn't because I was quirkless, but I didn't believe him, so I went anyway and they completely ignored my plan. My well structured perfect plan.

First they attacked during the night, everyone knew they were there and were running around like chickens without their heads.

While they were fighting the students, I saw a few new faces, well I say new.

I knew they existed, but Shigaraki didn't want me near them.

Yes, I admit I like him, but I couldn't stand his behavior anymore. He was becoming more annoying and to some degree he was even becoming possessive.

He was treating me like some sort of fragile possession, he was treating me like I was made of glass, but what really bothered me was the fact that he was trying to kidnap Kacchan. They wanted him to be part of the league.

This wasn't part of the plan, he didn't even tell me about this, didn't he trust me? What was I? Wasn't I a villain like him? Was I the league's mascot to him?

I had to admit them wanting to kidnap Kacchan was partly my fault since I've called him a villain more than once. Mostly as a insult since I knew he hated to think of himself as a villain.

I didn't tell anyone he was the one who attacked me, so yes them trying to kidnap him was to a degree my fault, but come on! Shigaraki could at least have told me, it would have been handy to know.

I was trying to find Shigaraki, but it was difficult, it was complete chaos and it was difficult to see out of the mask while running.

The mask was designed to protect my face while at the same time not actually touching it, it was hard to breath, but it wasn't necessarily a problem at least it allowed me to see in the dark.

I'm sure that if I find Kacchan, Shigaraki will be close by or I hoped so, but of course then I ran into him, just my luck.

Kacchan opened his mouth to shout at me before realizing who I was, my hair gave it away, just because my face was hidden didn't mean it would be hard to recognize me, well unless you didn't know me.

Kacchan just stared at me before growling and grabbing me by my shirt collar holding me up.

Why was I wearing a suit again? Oh right, Kurogiri said he wanted me to take care of the bar, welp at least I closed it before I left, so no one will steal anything. Hopefully.

"What are you doing here!?" I shoved him off me

"What do you think? I'm the villain remember?" I muttered, I wasn't sure if he heard me or not. He growled again so maybe he did or maybe he was just mad. I didn't know, he growled a lot.

"You wanted to be a hero." I rolled my eyes at his comment, what did that have to do with anything? Seriously that statement was out of the blue, nothing prompted him to say anything.

"Stating the obvious, but don't you remember Kacchan?" I pulled the mask of throwing it to ground looking at him, so he could see his handy work.

"You did this to me! This is your fault!" I jabbed my finger into his chest and watched him fall to the ground.

Shigaraki pov:

I sighed when I heard yelling, why did I think he would stay at the bar?

I walked towards where I heard Izuku throwing a big hissy tantrum with a few of the other villains, but we all froze when we saw Izuku.

The look of fear, hurt and anger on his face was mesmerizing, almost scary to watch, I couldn't move, I could just listen to him.

"No man is born equal, I was quirkless so you treated me like dirt, I wanted to be a hero so you hurt me, do you really think this is what would have happened if you didn't scar me? You told me to kill myself so you are to blame, you and every other pathetic hero who looked at me and saw me as useless for being quirkless, for looking at my scar and calling me a monster, people aren't born monsters or villains, they're made!"

That brat told Izuku to kill himself? He was more of a villain than I thought.

Izuku smiled down at him, smiling was something he did a lot, but by smiling no one saw how he was breaking. No one saw how he was slowly dying inside. No one realizes how they slowly made him what he was today, not even his stupid therapist, but he made her believe what she wanted to believe. He made everyone see what they wanted.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist.

"I should be thanking you Kacchan, I'm finally happy." He just stared up at Izuku, he didn't even blink when
Mr. Compress used his quirk on 'Kacchan' only watching silently as he disappeared.

He saw me walking towards him with Mr. Compress who had the brat trapped in a small capsule.

"I told you I wasn't going to stay at the bar." He said bluntly "Idiot." He added before I could say anything.

I was pretty sure I saw hatred in his eyes, I didn't think he would be happy when the plan failed because no one wanted to listen.

"Didn't think you would." I said "You're to stubborn." I added and for the first time in what felt like years he didn't have to fake a smile, I was his savior after all.

Sorry for sounding cliché, but he was a ray of sunshine in a world filled with darkness, he might have been a villain, but he still bought joy to everyone who came into contact with him.

He was the angel in hell.

Oh I'm so screwed, I wasn't supposed to fall for him.

Scarred, But Not Broken[BNHA] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin