Chapter 10

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Izuku pov:

I met up with Shigaraki every few days. Usually after my therapy sessions, since he waited for me outside, so I could to tell him about the other students quirks as well as give him a written analysis of their quirks and how they can be used.

Not that a lot of them used it to their full extent. Todoroki being the best example, but in time that will change even if I had to make then change and I had to be prepared for it.

Even if they're your friends you should know how to take them down in a fight, was something my Uncle told me constantly and since his friends were all criminals, some having quirks unlike him, I could see why he drilled it into my mind.

The other reason of course being that he wants me to take over his criminal empire when I'm older.

He was fully convinced I was going to as well, no matter how much I told him to drop it, did he really think I was going to move to America?

I could hardly look at some of the heroes without getting a headache, they were all just so loud and they wouldn't stop making jokes, one of the heroes my uncle thought couldn't stop making puns.

I sat next to Shigaraki holding the notebook in my hands, but keeping it out of his reach when he tried to grab it causing him to growl glaring at me coldly, he didn't like being told no.

"What are you planning on doing with this information?" I asked, the curiosity was starting to get at me, I just had to know what he was doing before the curiosity drove me insane.

"If it's illegal I won't tell." I added as an after thought to try and get him to talk, he scowled at me which wasn't uncommon

"Why the sudden interest?" He asked looking at my with suspicion, probably wondering if I was going to rat him out to All Might. I shrugged putting the notebook on the table, he instantly grabbed it.

"Curiosity mostly." I said looking at my nails boredly, the notebook wasn't all that important.

I had multiple, he just had to small bits I saw as useless or boring. It was still dangerous information to have, just not enough for it to be interesting.

He wasn't watching me with suspicion anymore, just curiosity mixed with a bit of malic. He was probably going to try and convince me to do something for him, most likely something that didn't include just giving him information.

"Do you like U.A?" He asked changing the subject, I didn't see any reason why I should lie to him, so I said told him the truth

"No." Everyone avoided me, the few who actually talked to me seemed wary, a few even liked to join Kacchan in mocking me, but mostly I felt alone.

I felt like I wasn't allowed to be there. I was an outcast. I was the villain, the monster, the demon. No matter what I did, no matter how nice I was. I was still nothing more than a future villain in their eyes.

It seems if you didn't have a pretty face no one saw you for you, they just saw what they wanted to see.

"All they see is a villain."

"Leave then, drop out." Shigaraki said, I was surprised when he put his hand on my back. He never liked physical contact, he was even keeping his pinky up so he wouldn't turn my uniform to dust. Something I knew he wanted to do since he first saw me in it.

He hated the uniform more than Todoroki hated his father.

"I can't just drop out." I said bluntly, what will I do if I drop out? I needed a job and the best way to do that was by being a student at U.A.

I just had to suck it up and deal with it. I'll just have to prove to them I can be more than a villain.

"In a few weeks, I'm going to launch an attack on the school, at the U.S.J, you'll have a choice to stay and be an outcast or come with me, your only friend, your hero." I knew he was trying to manipulate me using my emotions, but I couldn't help listening to him.

I wanted to get away from U.A. I wanted to stay here, where he didn't judge me for my scar, where he treated me like I was normal. He accepted me and treated me like an equal, a friend.

I knew if I agreed I'll become the villain everyone saw me as, but who cares? Mom will still support me, she knew how they all treated me.

Plus she actually liked Shigaraki more than she liked Kacchan from the moment they met, simply because he was actually nice.

He waited for me after therapy, always asking if I was okay, he was actually my friend and it's not like All Might or Kacchan would care. They were the ones who said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk, so why not be a villain?

"Do you really think staying at that hell hole was ever an option at this point?"


Ideas would be great thanks

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