Chapter 6

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Izuku pov:

I was pleased to note Mom did what I asked, my room was spotless, no more All might, the only thing that could link me to ever liking heroes were my notebooks packed neatly on a shelf, other than that my room had no decorations anymore, I'll have to change that, my room being so barren reminded me to much of the hospital and being honest with how my time went there, I wanted to watch the place go up in flames, not that I'll ever act on it, I shouldn't even be thinking about it, I had work to do after all

The entrance exam to U.A is in 9 months, thanks to Kacchan I already lost a month I could have used training more than just my mind, because that was the only thing I could really do in the hospital, think, I wasn't allowed to leave my room, I wasn't even allowed to move unless it was necessary, they didn't even like it when I wrote in my notebook but that was because practically everyone there thought I was going to be a villain when I got out, or that I secretly was one already, so they didn't want me to do anything they saw as potentially dangerous to their well being, they didn't even treat my scar all to well and now it was to late to fix it, it will forever be a weak spot, the moment anything comes into contact with it, it's like I'm reliving getting it in the first place, it was pure agony, I'll need to find a way around it, I couldn't show weakness

I still needed a plan for the entrance exam though, a way to have a chance of getting into U.A without a quirk, I could always mimic quirks with weapons, it never said weapons weren't allowed to be bought to the exam, as long as I don't use it on the other competitors, it wasn't against the rules

My uncle being quirkless like myself and living in one of the most crime ridden cities in the world, he taught himself how to build weapons to help him not get killed and whenever I saw him he taught me to do the same so it wouldn't be difficult to modify any weapons I ordered from the internet, if anything it would be easier to build things from scratch, but I'll just need a way to get parts, what about the beach? Junk has been washing up there for ages, maybe I could find something of use there

I smiled as I quickly left leaving a note for Mom to tell her where I was going, this might actually be fun

It was not fun, it took ages to find anything of use and I had to move a lot of things to reach anything of use, I practically cleaned the beach in the 9 months I was there, all in the effort to get spare parts, not even enough to actually built a weapon of my own design, but it was still worth it, I've already made multiple weapons I could use in the exam by modifying the weapons I ordered

My favorite has to be the laughing gas bomb, it caused all of the people around me to burst out laughing and become incapable of using their quirk, becoming just as useless as Kacchan thought I was, but I also liked the buzzer, I based it of electric quirks, it was like a joke buzzer, it gave you a shock, but enough to knock you out, it could most likely kill a small child or the very least a frail and small adult, but it didn't come with any effects to myself

I had a few weapons based of Kacchan's quirk, creating explosions by letting chemicals come into contact with each other, I actually had a few burns on my fingers thanks to the experiments I did with it, but by far the most useful, or at least to me was the mask, it protected my face as well as being used to zoom in on my surroundings, letting me get a closer look to everything including a closer look on how a person used their quirk making it easier to spot weak points, but I was only intending to use the mask when I had to, I saw no reason why I should use it to hide my scar, it showed I was strong enough not to let it break my spirit

Plus by hiding it, Kacchan wouldn't have to face what he did everyday, by not wearing the mask he'll be reminded just how threatening I could be to his career as a hero or how threatening I could be in his eyes anyway, I wasn't going to tell anyone what he did

In a way I needed him to become a hero, I wasn't entirely sure why I did, I just knew I needed him to become a hero, to be in U.A, he'll need to become stronger if he wanted to be if any use to me, to stay needed by me

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