Chapter 19

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Izuku pov:

I walked towards the gym feeling much better now that my plan was going to be set in action.

Kurogiri got me into the school, but since he didn't know where the gym was I had to go there myself.

I have a rather cruel plan, if not a very fun predictable plan for the teachers of U.A.

I built a bomb, so tonight the school is going to be Vietnam, I'll guarantee that they don't see old age.

I build a bomb and it was set to go off in the gym. The students weren't here, they were all at home. Only the teachers would be in the school tonight since they had a meeting concerning the traitor.

All I had to do was set up the bomb, leave the video in plain few as well as the note and play the waiting game. Of course I was going to let Shigaraki pull the trigger, it will most definitely improve his mood

I was going to finish what I began in the best way I knew how, even if someone survived, they'll end looking worse than me! I almost started laughing at the thought, but I had to be quite.

"Bingo." I muttered when I reached the gym. I set up the bomb, before I raided the supply closet for the TV they used when showing instructional videos along with educational videos that mostly involved not taking drugs among other things.

I moved it to in front of the conference room, thanking my lucky stars no one heard me, but to be spiteful and hilarious I put a note on the TV reading:

'We, the students of Westerburg High
Will die. Our burnt bodies may finally get through
To you. Your society churns out slaves and blanks
No thanks. Signed the Students of Westerburg High

I loved Heathers sue me, it's amazing! Plus they'll either get the reference and get out, go to the gym or simply be confused and stay for the show. Of course them dying being the show.

Plus the videa was just me singing 'Meant to be yours', I was going to put it on my YouTube channel so everyone could see it of course.

That masterpiece didn't need to go up in flames and be forgotten, plus I was going to use this as an opportunity for a love confession to Shigaraki.

Wow, I really did lose my mind, this was completely insane even by my standards!

I nodded looking at my handy work before texting Kurogiri so he could warp me to Shigaraki who was waiting on top of a cliff out of the blasting zone, this was going to be fine.

I can totally do this, I mean what's the worse that can happen? Him saying no and turning me to dust, nope not going there think positive.

"Do you wish to do the honors?" I asked when I saw Shigaraki bending down on one leg holding out the trigger.

He grabbed it from me before turning back to his phone.I pouted and looked at what was so interesting.

On his phone was a video showing the teachers reading the note, most looked confused, a few actually looked amused, they probably thought it was a prank from the students. Of course that changed when they played the video, I never thought I'll see a group of adults scared of a teenager singing.

"Bombs away." I heard Shigaraki mutter before the high school gym goes boom with everyone inside, well not inside, but you get the point.

"You know, you're HANDsome when you're being a villain." He scowled at me looking annoyed, but if my eyes didn't deceive me, his face was a beautiful shade of pink

"I'm always a villain, idiot."

"Exactly." He hit me over the head, I huffed before getting my bag.

"While we watch the smoke poor out the doors. I bough marshmallows, so
we'll can make s'mores! We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!" He raises his eyebrow at me, okay going to be a bit more blunt

"I lowe you idiot. You're my Faworite pewson." For once I was happy about my lisp of course I was purposely making it worse, but I sounded adorable! Okay he was staring at me, this was starting to become worrying

"You do feel the same... Right?" He didn't even bother answering he just tackled me to the ground kissing my face repeatedly.

Well I was expecting him to kiss me on the mouth, but this worked too and I wasn't about to complain, no wait I was.

"Scar." I wined, he ignored me and just kissed me on the lips, welp it is the best way to shut someone up

"So that's a yes on liking me?" I sounded way to hopeful for what was an obvious yes

"Of course idiot!" I laughed before pulling him into a side hug cuddling him while we watched the city panic, screams could be heard even from where we sat

"You know calling people idiots are my line."

"Fine, you're not an idiot you're an annoynse." He said calmly and I was sure he was smirking

"Yeah, but now I'm you're significant annoynse." I said putting my head on his shoulder grabbing a marshmallow from my bag

"Wouldn't have it any other way."


This is the end, but if you want any changes what so ever just comment on things you want to change or would have liked to play out differently

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