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I was stood by the portal waiting eagerly to see the face I have always known and loved

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I was stood by the portal waiting eagerly to see the face I have always known and loved.

"Hey hey hey!" I screamed just a little and ran over to Amelia legit picking her up and spinning her around.

"Hi! Oh my god hi!" I was so excited and I put her down.

"Aren't you excited?" She nodded and I smiled.

"Come on I'll give you a quick hello to everyone before we go." We walked along Star Labs halls.

"I'm surprised Winn's actually let me have you for a day on a different earth." Her eyes looked down to the floor and fell silent.

"What?" I asked as we reached the speed lab.

"It's more like I ran away. Yeah things aren't great right now." I frowned and gave her a side hug.

"Things will get better. I can promise you." Amelia nodded.

"Lia!" Barry said looking up from the computer. She ran over to the boy and hugged him before hugging Cisco and Harry.

"It's so great to see you!" Cisco said.

"It's so good to be back and in here, like woah I don't think you've ever shown me this room before." She stood in the middle looking round, slightly spinning.

"That's because you never visit." I moved closer towards them but she suddenly stopped and pointed.

"That's not normal on your earth, my earth or any earth." I chuckled and stood behind her.

"That's Ralph Dibny, the newest superhero of team flash." I put my hands on her shoulder.

"Hey Ralph?!" I shouted and he seemed to return to his normal body.

"Hey Alex and who is this?" I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Ralph Dibny meet Amelia Johnston, my best friend in all of existence."

"Do you guys just reproduce cute girls?" I rolled my eyes.

"And there it is, the classic Ralph Dibny charm. Now if you guys don't mind we are gonna be going to Iris West's bachelorette party now please don't destroy anything. And by that I mean Barry make sure no one goes near my stuff and doesn't break anything."

I smiled at them all.

"Yes mom." Barry and Cisco bluntly replied.

"You shouldn't have done that." Amelia muttered because I turned around and pulled my knife out from the little pocket I'd sewn.

I pulled it out so quickly that it jumped out of my hand so I was able to spin and hold it towards Harry and Cisco.

"Call me that again and I will stab you both."

"Please remind me never to get on the wrong side of her." I heard Ralph whisper to Amelia. I looked over to them. She just tapped his shoulder a few times and chuckled.

Bang Bang - Ralph DibnyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin