Chapter 1 : Black smoke

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Caroline's POV-

"After tomorrow we will be free" Damon said with his famous side smile. I couldn't believe the words coming from my friends mouth they were people just like us they didn't deserve to die not even Klaus.

"Are you serious right now! How can y'all be celebrating right now?" Elena came and put her hand on my shoulder but I pushed it off and stepped away from my friends because I was disappointed in them.

I mean what about Elijah weren't him and Elena were friends; Rebekah and Stefan had a little thing going on; Kol was friends with Jeremy wasn't he; and even Klaus had that sounded weird. I thought.

"They don't have to die we don't have to kill them..." I say looking at my friends when none of them were able to give me any eye contact but Elena who steps up "They tried to kill us care they need to be stop." My eyebrows hung down and I took a another step back

"Then kill Damon he tried to kill me, but no because it's Damon it's okay right. what makes me, Damon, or even Stefan any different from them?" I argue

Elena hung her head down hugging herself "Klaus tried to kill me he killed Jenna." My heart is pounding and I bawled my fist up, so I could contain my rage and my hurt that no one cared about my pain.

"Again Damon tried to kill me and he kill Vicki or are we not as important as you Elena because that's what it looks like!" I raise my voice at her.

Damon walked over to us and stood in front of Elena "What are you getting at Blondie?"

"That they don't have to die they shouldn't have to die because if Elena wasn't a Petrova and it was a different girl you all wouldn't give a rats ass about what Klaus would do to her what makes Elena more important than anyone!!" I yell, I couldn't hold it in any longer I loved Elena, I really did but her life does not over come others.

"Care." Bonnie says but she look at me with her I-will-kill-you face.

"Caroline it's for the best." And for the first time Caroline hated Stefan.

"Well what I say isn't going to make a difference is it." She

They shook their heads at her and she chuckled and went up stairs

"GOOD NIGHT WITCH, RIPPER, RAPIST, AND MINI KATHERINE!!" I hiss back at them and slam the door hopping, when I wake up this will all be a dream and my Klaus wouldn't have to die. Wait MY Klaus he isn't mine, I just don't want KLAUS to die and that's it, no other emotions. Just couldn't let them die even if I need to stop it myself. She made a quick call to Elijah......

"Hello?" I hear him ask through the phone.

"Hi Elijah, it's Caroline." I start.

"Ah Miss Forbes to what do I owe this call to?" He asks.

"I know I've never given your family a reason to trust me and even though all of us have done horrible things, my so called 'friends' are hell bent on killing you and your family with the help of your mother tonight in a sacrfice." I say in one breath and wait for him to respond.

"I do see the predictament Miss Forbes but how do I know I can trust you to help?" He asks and he does make a valid point.

"I give you my word that I will stop your mother and the sacrfice, but you need to give your word to protect me. There are alot of stronger and older vampires who won't be pleased once I do so, I need your word as well." I state thoughtfully and as calmly as I can.

After some silence which I assume is him thinking it over, he replies. "I give you my word to protect you Miss Forbes."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was hold in. "I appeicate you believing me, I will not let your family die and thousands more because of my 'friends' need to sacrifice everything for one girl." I state seriously.

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