Chapter Seven: Detention

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My breathing was steady as my feet melodically pounded the countryside roads.

Heart racing.


I smelt the aroma of fresh rain and rotting leaves, inhaling the autumn scent. The world was focused around me as I took in the cluttered arrangement of pine trees and heavy furs. Insects scuttled across the ground as I carefully avoided squishing snails.


Heart racing.


My heart was pumping so hard in my chest I thought it might explode from my rib cage. Tightness crushed my lungs as it got harder and harder to breathe.

Nearly there.

Keep going.

I was about to beat my time. I could do this.

I checked my watch. Five seconds.

Heart racing.





Two seconds. You can do this Cassie.

I wasn't going to make it. Push harder.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

You can do this.



"You were up early," Abi stated as we walked up to the bus stop.

"Yeah, I went for a run," I said. This morning made me realise how much I missed and needed the relief that came as a consequence to sprinting around the neighbourhood.

"Ah, good. Do you feel better?"

I gave her a funny look. "What do you mean do I feel better?"

"Well yesterday you had a nightmare again, you obviously had a crappy day at school because of the video." I flinched away and looked down. "Yeah, I saw it but I'm pretending I didn't. And then you went to 'a friend,' as a stress relief," She used her hands as inverted commas and smiled at me. "So, do you feel better?"

I rolled my eyes and giggled. Damn she was clever. Obviously I had let my shield slip yesterday since she was able to read right through me. But she couldn't see through all the lies I told her. My heart swelled then shrank at how she trusted me that much and I was abusing that trust.

"Yes, I feel refreshed. Positive. Energized," I smiled stating all the words that came to my mind. Instead of feeling tired and groggy, my mind was buzzing with the need to learn and listen. Instead of my limbs feeling achy and hot, there was a spring in my step and I felt the need to dance.

Tingles erupted in my fingers tips and I suppressed the urge to just jump around. I hadn't felt like this in... well, years. I guess time and a good run really does heal all wounds.

"I prefer you like this," Harry piped up, joining the conversation. I gave him a questioning look, but he simply smiled.

Before I could press his comment any further the bus pulled up and we walked up the steps, showing the bus driver my pass on the way up.

My steps stopped.

Someone was in my seat.

Zoe Collins to be exact. Anna's piece of fluff sidekick.

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