Chapter 8

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Fallen pov.
I was in hyperspace on my way to Clan Bridger Planet. I was hired by the Rebellion to Assassinate the Leaders. My Targets were Ezra And Sabine Bridger, Hera Syndulla, Leia Organa, and their Captain. The 5 heads of Clan Bridger. I heard about this guys. Their the most dangerous group in the whole inter galaxy. My ship made a sound and I knew what that meant.

I was coming out of hyperspace. My ship came out of hyperspace and I actvied my cloaking device. I didn't receive no transmission from the planet or the Star Destroyers in orbit. That's means it's working. I took my ship down to the sulfur and landed on the ground. I got out and grab my rifle. Walk to the base and turned on my cloaking device. Now they won't see me coming

Mira pov.
I was outside with my Mother and Father making everything on the base was ok. Ok Dad everything around the base is in order and all supplies are in order. I said. Very good Mira. Now that's everything's in order. We can decided our next plan of attack against to the rebellion. My mother said. Then I got this weird feeling. Is everything ok Mira? Dad ask.

Yeah it's just that I have this bad feeling that something is going to happen. Like what? Like someone is watching us. Then out of nowhere a figure appeared behind dad and punch him. HEY!!! My mom yelled and try to punch the figure but him was fast and grab her fist. He punch her in the stomach and pulled out his blaster. I knock his blaster off of his hand and dad got back up and tossed him out mom.

THIS IS MIRA!!! WE HAVE A CODE RED!!! THERE'S AN INTRUDER ON THE BASE!!! I said in my com. The alarm on base went off and all the Warriors ran to our position. FREEZE ASSASSIN!!! The captain yelled holding his blaster with the other Warriors. The Assassin put up his hands and held them above his hand. But he had another trick up his sleeve.

Two blasters shot out of sleeves and shot some of the Warriors. Clearing a path for him. Ran past them into the woods. AFTER HIM!!! Mom yelled. We ran after him. Some on the ground and some in the air. He was fast but I was faster. I jump in front in him and pointed my lightsaber at him. Surrender Assassin. You can't beat. I'm jedi. Really  think you can become a Jedi because have a lightsaber and the force.

Your too weak fo be a jedi little girl. What is it that you can possibly do. The Assassin said. I'll show what this little girl can do. Bring it then. I swing my lightsaber at him but he dodged. Weak. I saw that move coming from a mile away. He kick me on the side and almost knock me down. I put my lightsaber back on my belt and look at him. You know what. I don't need my lightsaber to beat you.

We'll see about that little girl. STOP CALLING ME A LITTLE GIRL!!! I punch him in his helmet but it didn't faze him. Metal helmet little girl. You too focus on where to punch me but not focus on what I have on. Let me show you how it's done. He punch me in the face and knock me down. See you're unfocus. I told you I was about to punch you and you didn't dodge. My employer's were right. You're not ready as you think you are.

Who hired you Assassin. That's for me to know and for you to not. But I will tell you my name. So it can forever hunt you in your head. My name is Fallen. I'm here to kill your family. Everyone you love dead. Hahahaha. Except you. But if you keep getting in my way. I will kill you too. Mira Bridger. I got back and crack my neck. I'll die before you try to hurt my family.

That could be a rang. Small knifes came out of his sleeves and held them up. You think your little knifes are going to hurt me. Try it little girl. This time I pulled out both my lightsabers and ran towards him. LET'S SEE IF CAN DODGE THIS!!! I swing my lightsabers and jump in the air and stand on a tree branch. SEE THAT ANGRY OF YOURS IS WHAT IS GOING TO GET YOU KILLED!!! He yelled from the top of tree. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I got mad and cut the tree.

The tree started moving and he jump off it. The tree fell to the ground and I lost sight of him. Where did he go? I was looking around but didn't notice that he came from behind me and cut me in the back. AHHHHHHHHH!!! I yelled. I turn around but he was gone.  Then I felt another cut on my leg. I fell down on one knee then I felt another one on my cheek. Then my arms. I drop my lightsabers and felt another on my other knee.

I stood up a little but my knees felt weak. They guy was too fast for me to feel where he was. I kelp on feeling cut after cut until the point came where I could no longer stand. I fell to the ground in pain. I heard feet steps and look up. It was Fallen. Well little girl. Looks like our little game is over. Too bad it has to end. He pulled out his blaster and pointed at me. He was about to shoot until I someone yelled.

MIRA WHERE ARE YOU!!! I look at where it was coming from. It was Hera, Leia, and the some of the Warriors. HEY OVER THERE STOP HIM!!! Leia ordered. The Warriors begin shooting. Until next Little Mira. Fallen said and ran off. Some of the Warriors chase after him while Hera and Leia ran to me. Mira are you ok? Hera ask but I couldn't answer and fell unconscious.

5 minutes later.
Somewhere in space
Fallen pov.
I manage to get off Clan Bridger Planet without any damage. I contacted the New Republic to tell them my mission. They answered and  it Mon Mothma who answered. Did you finish them? She ask. No but their little girl is injured. She won't be getting in anyone way for awhile. I said. Good with her out of the picture. It will be easier to kill them. Clan Bridger will burn and we'll be the winners of this war.

Understood. I said and ended the transmission. Soon Clan Bridger will fall and that little girl too. But next time things will be different. I said and continue flying in space.

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