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Three days later, Mam'zelle Dupont and Agathe rolled into the driveway of Malory Towers in a coach. Both women looked most bedraggled and dirty, with great big bags under their eyes. Under all the dirt, Agathe bore a smug grin - not only had she stolen countless wallets, but had also handily shoved Mam'zelle Dupont into a pigsty by "accident."

They were greeted at the driveway by two mischievous-looking schoolgirls with untidy hair and red faces. These were Darrell and Alicia, the front-runners of the first form, who had been sent by the headmistress Miss Grayling to greet the new French mistress.

"Golly!" exclaimed Darrell. "We were only expecting one of you."

Alicia didn't say anything, too busy sizing up which teacher she could play the most tricks on. She was the daredevil of the class, and always received amusing tricks in the mail from her four older brothers.

Meanwhile, Mam'zelle Dupont didn't quite understand what Darrell had just said to her because her English was really quite terrible. So she just grinned like a buffoon and motioned for the girls to lead the two ladies inside.

In her office, Miss Grayling was also surprised when two muddy French women appeared at her desk. 

"Good evening ladies! I am afraid I was only expecting one of you - a Mam'zelle Dupont?" she said.

"Yes that ees me, but Agathe here, she also is joining us n'est-ce pas?" responded Mam'zelle Dupont.

Miss Grayling knitted her brows in confusion. These thick French accents were horribly confusing! Perhaps she did appoint two French mistresses after all. 

"And what is your name?" she asked Agathe.

"I am Mam'zelle Rougier" replied Agathe stonily. Her hands were getting restless without any wallets nearby. The only thing that was within her reach was the glass of water that the headmistress had offered her. 

She grabbed the glass, chugged all the water in one go, and stuffed the glass under her sweater.

Miss Grayling eyed her in astonishment. These French were most strange! But this woman did look more capable than that imbecile Mam'zelle Dupont.

"Very well. Mam'zelle Rougier, you shall also serve as our new North Tower house mistress." decided Miss Grayling.

Dupont clapped her hands and jumped up and down. Rougier looked like she could murder her. 

Then both women followed Miss Grayling to see their new accommodations, Rougier with a glass-shaped blob in her sweater.

Rougier smiled menacingly to herself. Classes started tomorrow - hopefully these English brats were rich.

The Mam'zelles of Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now