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"What ees happening, mes petites!" cried Mam'zelle Dupont. Mr. Young stood a little behind her and noticed curiously that these were the same set of girls that were in Rougier's office the other day...

The Pi sisters smiled smugly at Mam'zelle. They were finally going to expose these sinners!

But Daphne did not look at all worried. The second she had seen the kind-hearted Mam'zelle Dupont enter the room, she knew everything was going to be alright. For the Frenchwoman had her favourites - and Daphne was one of them!

"Oh Mam'zelle," wept Daphne, producing a barrage of fake tears while the Pi Sisters looked on in astonishment. "We had just come into the common room to unwind when we saw Doris and Fanny stealing Darrell's gold necklace!"

The Pi sisters gaped while Elsie and Gwen looked weak with relief.

"LIAR!" shrieked Doris. "We are disciples of the Lord and would never sin like that!" Fanny nodded along, buffing her nails and not really listening to the conversation.

Mam'zelle Dupont, however, had fallen hook, line and sinker for her charmante Daphne's story. After all, how could a girl with such a beautiful halo of golden hair and such sparkling blue eyes ever be wrong? And she did not like the Pi Sisters - they unfailingly came bottom at French every week. 

"Ahh you bad Dorrrris! You have been very naughty!" scolded Mam'zelle, wagging her finger at the speechless Pi sisters. She took both girls by the arms and started off towards Miss Grayling's office, Mr. Young trotting close at their heel. He had always been a big fan of drama and gossip, and wanted to get to the bottom of this!

As they left, Daphne turned to her comrades with a self-satisfied smirk. 

"As usual, my wit and good looks have saved us," she bragged. "Rougier would have probably made Esme eat the two of you if I weren't here!"

Elsie and Gwen glared at her in resentment. This Daphne's ego was getting too big for her own good, but they couldn't help think she was right. Gwen gulped as she thought of Esme's sharp teeth sinking into her and gave an involuntary whimper.

"Let's go tell Rougier about our unsuccessful heist," said Daphne purposefully. It was clear that she was now the self-appointed leader of the crime circle!

Rougier was not pleased to hear about the failed robbery. "I want my gold..." she whispered, staring into the distance with a faraway look. Daphne, Gwen and Elsie trembled with fright. It seemed that the piles of glinting coins and wallets on her desk had grown three-fold since the first day!

Finally, Rougier broke out of her trance.

"Very well. Since you imbeciles failed to execute this simple mission, I will give you one last chance," she decided. "You will steal all of that terrible Alicia Johns' valuables. Including all her pranks and tuck."

"Even - even her half-eaten toffee cake, Mam'zelle?" faltered Daphne.

"Everything." said Rougier resolutely. "She must wake up one morning and find herself left with nothing."

At this, Rougier let out an evil cackle and shooed away the girls to plot their next mission.

The Mam'zelles of Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now