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The next day was Miss Potts's birthday, so all the teachers gathered in the faculty room for a little party. They had arranged for a large cake for Miss Potts, as she was rather popular, and of course, plenty of the teacher's favourite drink - sherry! All the teachers took the opportunity to relax and gossip, free of the girls for once. 

Another teacher who was definitely taking advantage of the party situation was none other than Mam'zelle Rougier herself. The Frenchwoman had been leaving much of her thefts to the girls lately - and in fact right in the moment Daphne and Elsie were plundering the teacher's rooms and offices while they were empty- and she was simply dying to stretch her criminal talents! 

For the next few hours, Rougier was a whirling dervish, flitting around the room from teacher to teacher and gorging on so many wallets and trinkets that her pockets positively bulged. Luckily for her, the teachers were rather buzzed on the plentiful sherry Miss Potts had provided them with and did not notice Rougier - even Mr. Young, who was tired from all the time he spent snooping on Rougier!

Although this social butterfly behaviour gave Rougier the chance to nick valuables from most of the teachers, it also meant that she had to interact or speak to most of them, a task she found both arduous and unpleasant. All that kept her going was a mental image of all the money she was receiving, and the images she imagined of Esme chomping on several of the teachers certainly helped as well!

One of the teachers Rougier approached was Miss Grayling, who she had seen down several shots of sherry and who was wearing a rather lovely opal pendant Rougier was dying to get her hands on.

"Hello headmistress!" said Rougier brightly, subtly pinching the necklace as she greeted Miss Grayling. Now that she had the valuables she wanted, Rougier tried leaving, but Miss Grayling would have none of that!

"Now, Rougier," said the headmistress, grabbing the bony Frenchwoman by the arm. "How are you finding our school, and the girls?"

"Er," said Rougier, trying to hold her tongue. "I think it is... lovely!" she lied feebly, wrenching her arm away and moving to another target.

But alas, Rougier was once again taken hold of, this time by her much hated fellow Frenchwoman Mam'zelle Dupont!

"Ah, Agathe!" exclaimed the plump woman weepily, dragging Rougier to a silent corner of the party. "It is so good to see you, non? We have not had a proper tête-à-tête in forever!"

Rougier rolled her eyes. Just how much sherry had this ridiculous woman drunk? "Yes, it is nice to see you too," she replied shortly. Unfortunately, she had already stolen all of the woman's 'valuables'- which consisted mostly of paste pendants adorned with frolicking cats - eons ago, so she had nothing to amuse herself with as the other woman bored her with her emotional conversation.

"Ah, but it is so terrible, Agathe", said Dupont, leaning in confidentially. "You see, even in this so-honourable English school, the teachers have been complaining of their things and valuables disappearing- it has happened to me too! Such a thing would never happen in our beloved convent school in France!"

Agathe refrained from pointing out she had done just as much stealing in their Catholic school and instead plastered on an expression of shock and concern.

"Yes, indeed, it is most curious! My wallet has disappeared too, along with my valuable gold crucifix necklace that was my family heirloom!" said Rougier innocently. "You know, I do believe it is that dreadful Mr. Young who has been stealing from us - I caught the little man in my room yesterday, rifling through my dresser! I didn't want to say anything, but now that you brought it up..."

Dupont's eyes grew wide as she took in this accusation, instantly believing her precious fellow Frenchwoman. Agathe smiled to herself, knowing Dupont was a huge gossip and would spread this rumour to every other teacher in this school. She couldn't help but feel rather satisfied - it had turned out to be rather a profitable evening!

The Mam'zelles of Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now