19. Kissing & choosing

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Violet POV

"I need to tell you something" Luke said looking at me. "Okay" I said closing my door and walking over to him. "Do you want to sit down or?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I wasn't planning on Brooke coming over, Violet" He said looking at me. I bit my lip and looked down. "But you said you were going on a date with Michael and-"

"I told you I would cancel over and over Luke" I said starting to angry. "I know-"

"No Luke don't try and make that excuse that you did it because of my date with Michael. I told you I'd cancel" I said starting to tear up. "I was just jealous okay?" He said looking at me. "Jealous of what?" I sighed.

"Jealous of-" He stopped and took a deep breath. "Luke" I said looking at him. He licked his lips and looked to the side. "You're wasting my time Luke if you don't say it then just-"

"I'm in love with you!" He yelled  looking at me. All color drained from my face and my mouth dropped open. "Luke you don't know what you're talking about" I said shaking my head. "Yes I do" He said nodding.

"I love every single thing about you Violet Andrews. I love the way you laugh, smile, you're sarcastic sense of humor " He said looking at me. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"Luke you're my best friend" I said looking at him. I saw tears fill his eyes. "Tell me then" He said looking at me and bitting on his lip ring. "Tell me that you didn't feel anything when we kissed at that party" He said looking at me. I thought back to that night and when we kissed. Sparks went through my entire body.

He started walking towards me. I watched as he stood in front of me. His finger tips graced the side of my head and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Tell me you don't feel anything right now" He whispered his breath hitting my face.

I swallowed.

His lips slowly started getting closer to mine. He put a hand on my cheek and leaned down. "We shouldn't" I said backing up. He sighed and stepped back. "Okay, I'll just go then" he said walking out.

"Wait luke" I said quickly grabbing his hand and pulling him back. Before he could say anything I connected our lips. He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek. It started to get more intense when he slipped his tongue in my mouth unexpectedly.

I was taken by surprise but didn't mind it. Then he heard a knock at my door. I pushed Luke off me and looked towards the door with red cheeks. The door opened.

It was Michael. He walked in and looked between me and Luke. "You forgot you're clothes at my house. I didn't realize until I got home, but I didn't know if you needed them or not" he said handing me a pile of clothes.

I smiled at the nicely folded clothes in my hands. "My mom washed them" he laughed lightly scratching the back of his neck. "Thank you" I smiled. "I'll call you later but you should spend the night at my house more" he said coming close to me and picking me on the lips.

"Well I'll be going now" he said. "Bye Vee, Bye luke" he said patting luke on the back before walking out. I sighed and placed the clothes on my dresser.

I looked towards luke who had an angry look on his face. He just walked out of my room and slammed the door, I didn't try to stop me. I sighed and sat down on my bed.


"You seem stressed" Michael laughed while I tapped my pencil on my notebook. "I am" I sighed. "About what? You're a genius at this" he said looking at the homework.

"Not about the homework" I mumbled under my breath. "mm?" He hummed. "Uh-I said I didn't understand this formula" I covered. "Well" he said closing my notebook. "Why don't we just take a break" he smiled.

"and do what?" I laughed. "And-" he said leaning over and kissing me. The door swung open we torn apart quickly and Michael groaned. "It's 10 Michael, Violet needs to start making her way home soon" Michael's mom said sweetly.

I stood up and grabbed my bag. "It's okay I was just leaving" I said grabbing my books. "Let me take you home" he said getting up. "No I can walk" I said quickly. "No you're not-"

"I need to clear my head anyway. I'll call you and tell you I made it home safe" I said walking over and pecking his lips. "Okay" he smiled.

I walked out of his house quickly and started walking home. I couldn't stop thinking about my relationship with Luke & Michael.

I don't know why I kissed Luke. and I don't know why I liked it. I love Luke, I've always loved Luke and always will love him. But he's my best friend. But his lips are so dreamy.

Then there's Michael. I've like Michael for forever. Now he finally likes me back and I have a real shot at dating him and I like him so much it hurts. His eyes are dreaming and his muscles. He cares about me so much, but so does luke.

I luke's just messing with my head. I've always liked Michael and always will like Michael. I have to get luke out of my head. He's my best friend and only that.

"What are you thinking about?"

I screamed and stepped back. I looked at saw Luke sitting at his front porch. I didn't even notice I had gotten all the way home I was too caught up in my thoughts.

"Luke you can't scare me like that" I said catching my breath. "Hey, I was just sitting here. You were the one who came walking up" He said standing up and walking over to me.

"So" he said throwing a rock down the road. I watched as it skipped across the pavement. "Why didn't your boyfriend drive you home in his fancy car?" Luke asked skipping another rock.

"He's not my boyfriend" I said crossing my arms. "Okay" Luke laughed. "What's up with you? I haven't talked to you or seen you since-" I stopped.

"Since we made out?" He asked throwing another rock. "Yeah I know" he said looking at me. "You've been avoiding me" he said. I sighed.

"So it's on purpose I see" he said. "I didn't say that" I mumbled. "Your sigh did" he said raising his eyebrows. "I'm just trying to figure everything out Lucas" I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing to figure out. We kissed. I felt something. I'm guessing you felt something-"

"Luke it's not as simple as that" I groaned

"It can be! You're the one making it hard" he said throwing all this rocks down. "I'm sorry! I don't know how to feel right now" I said looking at him.

"You obviously do. Who's house were you at for the past 5 hours" he said looking at me. I didn't day anything and looked down.

"I don't even know why I even told you that I-"

"Luke don't say that"

He turned around and started walking back to his house.


He ignored me and walked up his steps.


He slammed his door while I was left alone in the middle of the road.

Word count: 1302

wowza I've been away a while but it hasn't felt like that long because I've been active. Currently reading fall. it's by fivesausewhoop and their a good writer sooo.. yay.

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