Chapter 1

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Rebecca's P.O.V
Hi, my name is Rebecca Bourne and I'm 17 years old. I'm currently in my last year of high school and I can't wait to get out of this hell-hole. I have Chestnut brown hair-that falls up to my waist,  big brown doe eyes and slightly tanned skin. Enough about my appearance- let's move on to the story.

Usually my mornings start with the most annoying sound in the world-my alarm clock. It's so loud and the whole world can hear it because it's so loud. I probably hit snooze around 3 times before I feel like I've had enough sleep to function with throughout the day.

Right now I'm checking my phone and of course I see my best friend's messages spamming with memes and funny stuff she found on the internet. Oh, you don't know who my best friend is, do you?

My best friend's name is Candace. Candace Bourne. Coincidentally we have the same name and most people think we're related because of it. (I know it's a stupid reason.) Anyway, she has shoulder length jet black hair and the same eyes and skin colour as me.

She's honestly my world and I wouldn't be able to live without her. She has been there for me during my darkest times and I'm extremely grateful for her. Oops the water works are going to start- so let's move on.

After I scrolled through my social media for a bit, I decided it was time to get out of bed. I went and did what people usually do when getting ready for school, like brushing my teeth, washing my face, etc.

Then I picked out a casual outfit to wear school: a white t-shirt with black jeans and some Vans. When I thought I looked presentable enough, I grabbed a cereal bar and headed outside to walk to school.
"Rebecca!" A voice shouted out.
"Yes Mum?" I replied.
"Remember to stay safe and I love you" She said.
" I will and I love you too" I shouted .

With that I went outside and started my journey to school. Today was such a beautiful day. The sky was a bright baby blue and the sun was out shining it's golden rays onto everything in its path.

On the way to school I saw parents doing the typical school run and it made me giggle since my mom had to do that with me and my siblings. Oh sugar, I forgot to mention my siblings! I have 2 older brothers and a sister. I'm the youngest so I got babied a lot.

My eldest brother (Jared) is doctor working in Africa with a charity, then it's my sister (Suzy) whose an elementary school teacher , and my last brother (Mason) whose currently in the military. So it's just me and mom who live at home, sometimes it gets boring since she leaves for work, but other than that it's good.

10 minutes later I arrived at my destination- hell. I was scanning through the crowds of students and finally saw my group of friends. I hugged each and everyone one of them and they began telling me about what they did after school and other things.

My friend group consists of 4 people: myself, Candace, Kate and Samantha (Sammy for short). Both of them are best friends. Kate is the quiet one of the group- she talks, but only to us, not to any other people. Whilst on the opposite side of the spectrum, Sammy is loud, bubbly and is friends with everyone. After gossiping for a while, we went to our classes. Candace and Kate both had Maths, whilst me and Sammy had Chemistry.

As we were walking to our separate ways, I collided with a massive rock- a.k.a Jason- an annoying prick who likes to get people angry for the fun of it.
"Oh sorry, didn't see you there shortie!" Jason said sarcastically.
"Eurgh, just move Jason you're so annoying" I said having enough of his behaviour.
He smirked, knowing he managed to mess with my buttons and proudly walked away. The truth is I'm not that short. I'm 5'4, that's average height! It's just that there are walking trees everywhere where in my school.

When Sammy and I arrived to class we overheard a group of girls saying that there was a new boy coming to school and that he might be joining our class. Sammy and I gave each other the 'I don't know' look and sat in our seats. The teacher then came in and began talking about the stuff they teach you in chemistry.

After a bit I started to daydream and wonder who the 'New boy' might be?

How did you guys like the first chapter? It might have been a bit boring since it was just a background on Rebecca and her life. I'll try and get chapter 2 done as quick as I can. Remember to comment your suggestions and opinions about the book.


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