Chapter 6

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Rebecca's P.O.V
Monday 11 am- break. Right now I'm sitting with my friends and I gave a them a brief summary about what happened yesterday. They were a bit shaken about the encounter I had with RX and were weirded out that he gave me the box with the flower.

"I wonder why he gave you the box?" Said Sammy.
"God knows." I replied.
"Probably wants to win you over through gifts." Said Kate.
"Yeah I agree with Kate." Said Candace.
"RX is stupid to think that I would love him back if he bought me gifts, the guy stalks me!" I exclaimed.
The bell signalling for 3rd period rang, so we all went to our classes.

So you think I'm stupid. Don't worry Becca, I'll get you soon. Just wait.

Rebecca's P.O.V
Since we all had p.e, we went to the changing rooms and began to get ready.
"Have any of you seen Xavier?" Said the school slut- Amanda Hecox.
(She's probably f*cked most of the guys in our school. No she has f*cked most of the guys in school.) We shook our heads and carried on changing.

"I wonder why she's asking about Xavier?" I said confusingly.
"Someone's jealous." Sneered Sammy.
Ever since I told them about the park situation, they kept teasing me about him at any giving moment. It was only one interaction outside school, chill.

After we had finished changing, we went outside to do the lesson. In the corner of my eye I saw Xavier. He was with Amanda, more like he was forced to be with her. As I looked at what he was wearing, I noticed he had an amazing body.

A six-pack, with nice arms and a strong back. That just made me more intrigued by him. I checked him out one more time before walking to teacher for the lesson.

Xavier's P.O.V
It was 3rd period, p.e and I honestly couldn't be bothered. Plus some random girl called Amanda or something, wanted to get me between her legs. I haven't got time for sluts like her.

As I was blocking out her high-pitched annoying voice, I saw Rebecca and her friends walk out of the changing rooms to go the their lesson.

Her long chestnut hair was floating through the wind and her hips swayed with every step she took. She looked hot. I was suddenly distracted when Amanda waved her perfectly manicured hand in my face.

"Were you even listening to me?" She said annoyingly.
"Actually no i wasn't, you have no life and you're boring." I said nonchalantly.
Her face immediately irrupted with anger and she stormed off. Finally I haven't got her on my tail, and can feel free.
I couldn't be bothered participating in p.e- not like I needed to anyway. I mean look at me; perfect abs, muscular arms and back- I'm sexy.

Enough about that, I couldn't help myself from looking at Rebecca, something about her made me intrigued. I wanted to know more about her.

As I was staring at her, she looked back at noticed me. She blushed a vibrant red and quickly turned away. I smiled to myself and began to walk away to the changing rooms.

1pm- lunch. I grabbed a sandwich from the counter and began eating with my new 'friends'/acquaintances. To be honest, they weren't bad.

Most of the time they were pretty cool, but then they had the odd slip up when they became immature jerks. Like when they tripped over a freshman in the hallway, just to make them feel like total sh*t. Not cool.

Anyway, right now they were talking about, wait I wasn't even paying attention. That's how boring they were. After I had finished eating, I told the guys I was going to the bathroom and left.

Rebecca's P.O.V
During lunch, all I thought about was the way Xavier looked at me. No one has ever looked at me like that before. Eurgh, even thinking about it made me blush.

"Tomato face! Tomato face!" Shouted Sammy.
Kate and Candace just started laughing.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Said Kate.
"Something naughty?" Giggled Candace.
"No I'm not, so be quiet." I said while frowning.
They all laughed and changed the topic.
"Guys, I need to go get my books for history." I said.
"Me too, see you two later." Replied Candace.
"See ya!" Shouted Kate and Sammy.

Whilst opening my locker, another letter fell out. 'Oh no,not this again' I thought as I picked it up. Candace was watching quietly until she said
"If you don't want to open it, just throw it away."
"No, I want to open it," I replied.
As I tore open the envelope, my stomach began to churn about what it might say.

You blushed like a beautiful blooming rose. You're my rose, and I'll protect you no matter what.

- RX

"That's lovely." Candace said sarcastically.
"Sure is." I replied back in the same tone.
I sighed and quickly put the letter in my pocket and began to gather my things for history.

As we headed to class, the only thought lingering around my mind was that RX was watching me during me, which means he's always near me.

After history, Candace and I told Kate and Sammy that I received another letter and showed it to them. I told them my theory and they all agreed that he's always there.

They all told me to watch my surroundings at all times and to tell them if something
else happens. We all said our goodbyes and began to go home.

Turns out you guys are cleverer than I thought. I need to be more careful. She will never suspect it to be me.

Rebecca's P.O.V
Candace dropped me off to my house and began walking to hers. As I was opening the door, I saw a rose in the corner of door step. It had a note attached to it.

You are the only rose to grow in my garden of flowers


"For Gods sake!" I shouted to myself. Why is he everywhere? I'm getting sick of it! I quickly opened the door, kicked off my shoes and immediately ran upstairs to the box. I threw in the letter and the rose and slammed it shut.

I put the box on my desk and threw myself onto my comfy bed. 'Who is RX?' was the last thought in my head before fell into deep slumber.

How was Chapter 6?
This chapter included a lot of dialogue which might have been a bit boring for some of you but sorry not sorry, its part of the story.
I also think some of you might have clue of who RX is.
Stay tuned to find out!

~ S

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