Chapter 8

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Rebecca's P.O.V
I shut every window in the house and locked both the front and back door. He's going to have to find another way in, so I'll catch him while he's doing that.

As I was walking kept walking through every room in the house, I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous and a bit scared.

I'm going to catch my stalker and find out who he is. What if he's dangerous and carries a weapon? What if he attacks me? No Rebecca don't think like that, he 'loves you' and would 'never hurt you'. Plus you have a baseball bat to hit him with.

After trying reassure myself, I heard someone trying to open the front door. I grabbed the baseball bat and ran down the stairs. Hiding behind the wall, I heard the door open and immediately took charge. I let out a Tarzan scream and was about to hit the person before I heard Stop!

"It's me!" Shouted my mom.
"Huh, sorry mom. I thought you were someone else." I replied confusingly.
"Did you think I was your stalker? I know baby, I know. I read the letters and saw that your window was wide open while you were asleep. When I came back from work a few days ago, I thought you were walking around your room because I heard footsteps, but you were fast asleep. Why did you not tell me when it first happened?" She said
"I didn't want to stress you out and you already know now." I replied.

I told her my encounters with RX and she told me not to be scared and that we can fight him.
"We're gonna catch that creep!" She said enthusiastically.
I nodded and smiled before hugging her.

10pm- we have been watching and waiting for around 2 hours and he still hasn't stopped by.
"What if he gave up or just couldn't be bothered?" I asked my mom.
"The guy is obsessed with you, he'll never give up. Plus he always manages to get in or see you." Said Mom.
"True." I replied.

After another hour or two, we decided that we were too tired to carry on waiting so we went to our rooms. When I stepped into my room, I felt like something else was in there with me.

I was about to call my mom but remembered she fell asleep and I didn't want to bother her.

I checked under the bed-nothing was there. I checked in my closet- nothing was there. I shut my bedroom door and saw a figure behind it. Turns out it was my coats and jackets.

That gave me a mini heart attack. Before going to sleep, I quickly checked outside one last time and entered my bed. After a long and busy day, I closed my eyes and traveled to the land of dreams.

As soon as the bell rang, I sprinted to Rebecca's home. And opened her door shut my key. She dropped it one day in the corridor so I left school during lunch and had a copy made.

When I came back, I slipped the key back into her pocket during class.

Back to the present- I wanted to surprise her today so I just hid in her house. Once she came back from school, she began to close all the windows and locked the doors in the house.

Every time she entered the room I was in, I quietly left the room and moved onto the next. It got a bit annoying because I had to keep moving, but I wasn't going to get caught, so I had to keep moving.

When she heard the front door open, she ran downstairs and grabbed the bat. Only to find that it was her mother.

They began to talk about me, thinking I wasn't going to come-when I was there the whole time. Her mother was really hell-bent on finding me and that is a problem. I need to get rid of her. Fast.

After the two of them gave up waiting for me, they went to their rooms to sleep. I waited for them both to enter their room and close it before I was going to move. Rebecca kept checking her room and then finally went to sleep. It was time to act.

I sneakily went into her moms room and grabbed a pillow that was on the floor. I went up to her sleeping figure and pressed the pillow into her mouth and nose so she couldn't breath.

Her eyes opened wide and she saw my face and began to claw into my skin and clothes. I shoved the pillow even harder into face until she became limp.

I waited for about another 2 minutes to make sure she was actually dead. Then the reality set in. I had just killed someone. I had killed the love of my life's mom. Who cares she was in the way and was useless any way.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed some bleach and started cleaning her hands with it. I couldn't have any trace of being there. I was wearing gloves but my face was free so and my DNA could be under her nails since she clawed at me.

After I finished cleaning her, I left the house through the front door, and went home, waiting for the next day.

This chapter was much shorter than the rest but was intense. RX just committed murder. What will happen in the next chapter? And also, Thank you so much for over 100 reads!!! I'm so grateful that you guys are reading my story.

- S

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