Chapter 9

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Rebecca's P.O.V
Even though I stayed up pretty late last night, I managed to get a good amount of sleep. Well enough to survive throughout the day anyway. I got out of bed and did my daily routine, whilst checking in on my friends.

After doing whatever I needed to do, I decided to check in on my mom. When I opened the door and peeked my head through, she was still fast asleep and there was a really strong smell of something in the room-like cleaning products.

I shrugged off my suspicions and started to use my common sense.

It's my moms day off today, plus she was up late with me, so she needs to get some rest. She also loved to clean, so that just explain it. I checked around the room one last time and left to go downstairs.

Since I wasn't that hungry today, I just grabbed a glass of water and chugged it down. I took my coat off the rack and went outside. The wind was pretty strong today and it was a bit chilly.

The leaves were shaking violently on their branches and my hair was flying in all directions.

Although the weather was a bit heavy, I felt safe and secure. I didn't feel like I had a stalker and that he wasn't following me. I walked my normal route to school and saw Candace on the way.

She told me that she had to leave yesterday because her grandma had a health scare and that they needed to go to hospital.

After getting to the gates, we saw Kate and Sammy and began catching up on random things. They already knew about what happened yesterday since I filled them in.

Since we came to school a bit earlier than usual, we had some time to spare. So we just decided to start revising on test that was going to come up later this week.

Physics. I hate it with a passion. How the hell am I meant to understand things I can't even see!? Chemistry and biology are so much easier.

After trying understand whatever my teachers were trying to teach me, we went to our first class. Economics. When we were walking to class, the girls kept teasing me about Xavier.

"You're gonna get to sit next to him again, Tomato cheeks!" Shouted Sammy.
Kate and Candace giggles along whilst I shook my head.

We entered the class and it was empty; apart from Xavier's seat. He had his headphones in and was looking at one of his books. His fluffy hair was in his face and when ran through his hair with his fingers, he looked so handsome.

He must of caught me staring because when he looked up, I quickly snapped my head back and began to turn red. He looked back down again and I walked to my seat.

When I sat down and got out my things, I looked at the book he was reading. It was called 'The Diary of a Serial Killer'. So he's into the types of books I read, interesting. He caught me eyeing his book and said

"You like the crazy shit too, don't you?"
"I don't think it's crazy, but it's definitely interesting!" I replied back enthusiastically.
His perfect lips curved up into a smile. Not a smirk, a genuine smile. Oh my god it was gorgeous. It made me feel so warm inside. I smiled back and said
"You know, you should smile more!"
His face immediately dropped but then quickly turned into a smirk.

"Why, just so you can gawk at me?" He said whilst turning a page in his book.
"Yes!" I said without thinking. Holy sh*t I f*cked up.
He looked up from his book and stared into my eyes.
"I mean no! No!" I said trying to forget about the words I said a few moments before.
"I know you're lying, don't lie to me Rebecca, I can read right through people."

The familiar sting of embarrassment seeped into my cheeks and I turned away from him trying to focus on the lesson that just started.

Xavier's P.O.V
Every time I look at her, I feel my cold,stone heart beginning to warm up. What is she doing to me?

Rebecca's P.O.V
After finally completing my long and tiring day at school, I began to walk home. Although I felt exhausted, today was a good day, I was happy and enjoyed spending time with my friends.

As I was walking home, it began to rain heavily- it was like bullets hitting the ground. The coat I brought today wasn't waterproof and I got drenched by the rain.

Whilst I was staring at the pavement below me, I felt the rain suddenly stop. It still sounded like it was raining but it wasn't falling on me. When I looked up I saw an umbrella shielding me from the cold water.

I looked at the tan hand holding it and saw Xavier. I was shocked. His body was so close to mine, his heat was radiating off him.

"What are you doing?" I asked confusingly
"What do you think I'm doing?" He said sarcastically
"Protecting me from the rain..." I replied
"There you go, you answered your own question." He said with a sassy tone

We walked silently to my house until we reached the door. We were still side by side and I needed to open the door.

As I put in the key and twisted it open, I looked behind me and saw his piercing golden eyes looking into mine. Our faces moved closer together. He's going to kiss me! I thought. He suddenly stepped away and said

"I should be going."
"No don't go! It's pouring it down and I don't want you to get ill." I said quickly.
He had a small smile on his face.
"Would you like to come in, until the rain stops?" I asked with a small voice
"Sure." He said with a smile.

I felt my heart melt and I pushed the door, entering the house with Xavier.

Xavier's P.O.V
I couldn't kiss her. Not until she knew who I was. She'll find out the truth about me soon, but that's another matter. As we entered her house, she said

"Sorry for the mess, my mom and I have been a bit busy lately."
"It's fine, don't worry about it." I replied.
Only her and her mum, I wonder where the rest of her family was. If she had any, anyway.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'm just going to go upstairs to do something." She said whilst walking up the stairs.

I nodded back as a response and took her cue to leave.
Her house wasn't messy at all, in fact it was pretty clean and felt cosy. It had plain beige walls that were decorated with paintings that brought the place to life.

There was also a lot of pictures of Rebecca with her mom and some other people. They looked like her mom but much older than Rebecca, so they must have been her siblings. As I was focused on the style of the room, I heard a loud,strong scream.

I ran up the stairs and found Rebecca collapsed and weeping on the floor.
"Rebecca! What happened?" I asked worryingly

She began to sob even harder and pointed at a door. I hesitantly opened it and instantly became frozen. It was her mom. Laying in bed. As pale as a ghost. As I stepped closer and was about to check her pulse, Rebecca screamed

"No! Don't touch her!"
"I'm just going to check her pulse, she could be alive" I said reassuringly
She was about to reply back but looked down and started crying.

I walked over to her and held her in my arms.
"Don't worry, lets just hope for the best, we don't know yet."

She sniffled a few times and then nodded; signaling me to check her pulse.
As I walked over to the her, I put my two fingers on her neck and began to wait for her pulse. Seconds turned into minutes as I waited for her heart to beat.

There was nothing. She was gone. I looked over to Rebecca who was watching me weary-eyed and shook my head. She was dead. Rebecca's mom was dead.

Well, that was roller coaster wasn't it!
I'm so sorry that I didn't get to write, I really wanted to but school got in the way. I thought I'd make this chapter extra long to miss all the times I was meant to publish a chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it


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