Chapter 7

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My baby was so tired, she didn't even close her window and was still in her school outfit. As I was walking around the room, I saw the present I gave her sitting on her desk.

I opened it and saw everything that I had given her inside. So you have been listening to your friends, clever girl.

I gave her another letter of my presence and snooped around her room. I stole her chapstick, the sweet strawberry smell always brought tingles to my nose and I loved it.

After looking at some of her things, I didn't notice the front door opening and footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly left the room through the window, and ran so I wouldn't get caught.

Rebecca's Mom P.O.V
After working the whole day , I went upstairs to check on my daughter. I could hear someone walking and instinctively thought it was her. But when I looked inside, she was in a deep sleep. And the window was wide open.

I saw traces of mud near the window and immediately thought that someone is snooping on my daughter, and I'm going to catch the bastard. Closing the window, and taking one last look around the room. I left, letting my daughter get some rest.

Rebecca's P.O.V
After sleeping for about 11 hours, I woke up and rubbed my eyes. It was 4am and I was now wide awake. Having nothing to do, I grabbed my phone and started binging on random youtube videos that were in my recommend feed.

I swear YouTube recommends the weirdest videos to me but then I still watch them.

After watching two hours of random YouTube videos, I took a shower to wake myself up and be fresh for school.

Then I got dressed and wore a peachy-pink jumper with some light blue jeans. I still had ages before school so I just fixed my bed and cleaned my room.

When I moved onto my desk, I noticed that the red box was a bit open, when I specifically remember slamming it shut. Feeling confused I opened it, and saw a new letter. He came to my room again.

What the actual f*ck!? I took the letter out and read it. It said

So you listened to your friends, clever girl. Don't ever think that I won't be able to see you. I have my ways.

- RX

What did he mean by 'I have my ways.'. Eurgh it just gave me goosebumps and I put it back in the box.

I need to find out who he is and find out fast before he gets dangerous. I mean he already is, but before he does something worse. I need to try and catch him, like make a trap for him to fall into.

But how do I do that if he's the one who surprises me? I can't be bothered thinking about this now and I'm hungry, so I'm gonna eat breakfast.

I grabbed a box of cereal and some milk and began to eat. After I finished eating, I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to set off to school.

Saying my goodbyes to mom, I left the house and started walking. Today was just a bland day, it was cloudy and the sun didn't look like it was going to come out anytime soon.

As I was walking, I felt like someone or something was watching me. I kept turning around and saw nothing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid I thought. But it really felt like something was watching me.

I turned around one last time before entering the school grounds, and saw a person dressed in all black, watching me intensively. the rest of it's face was covered apart from its eyes.

It was a hazel, golden brown. Kind of like Xaviers. After having a staring contest with it, I turned around and entered school to find my friends.

I had been following her since she left her house. We both had the same destination, so why not go the same way. She knew someone was watching her, but she couldn't spot who.

Every time she looked back, I sneakily hid behind others so I wouldn't get caught.

Once we both made it to school, I stayed back and waited for to enter. She turned around one more time, but this time she stared back and was trying to take in all my features.

Luckily I was wearing a black hoodie with jeans and my hair and face was covered with a mask.

She kept staring at my golden eyes , trying to find out who I am, but then failed and entered the school grounds. I quickly followed after her, taking off my mask and revealing my hair.

She'll find out who am, when the time comes.

Rebecca's P.O.V
Today went by fairly quickly and I don't remember much from school. I told the girls what happened and they told me to be extra careful. I listened and started to walk home. Candace was picked up by her dad for an emergency family meeting so I was left alone.

Whilst walking home, for once I felt scared. I was scared that RX might do something to me or follow me again.

So I went on a different route home, it was 5 minutes longer than usual. It might not be that much of a difference but he wouldn't suspect me to go here.

As I was walking I kept checking my surroundings at every given chance and was praying that nothing would happen to me. When I turned around to check if someone was following me, I saw Xavier.

He had his headphones on and was looking down the whole time. His fluffy blonde hair reminded of the clouds and his eyes looked like gold. I turned away and carried on walking to home.

He probably lives somewhere near me- I thought. When I opened my front door, I saw that there was nothing there. No letter, no rose, nothing. Which means he hasn't stopped by to my house yet. This also means I can catch him and find out who he is!

I didn't feel that motivated to write this chapter, but luckily I managed to do it. Rebecca is having more encounters with RX, I wonder what her plan to catch him goes? I've also hinted out more clues as to who RX might be.

- S

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