Chapter 2

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Rebecca's P.O.V
Surprisingly, today went pretty fast! Right now it's 1pm, lunch and I'm sitting with my friends.
"Eurgh, we have our exams coming up soon." Candace said annoyingly.
"Sh*t! I haven't studied at all!" Exclaimed Sammy.
"Yeah, me too" I replied.
"Same" Kate said quietly.
As we were all pondering about our exams and thinking the worst, we didn't notice how the lively cafeteria turned deadly quiet.
"Guys, why's it so quiet?" Whispered Sammy.
"I don't even know" Replied Candace.

As soon as those words left her mouth, large heavy footsteps were heard coming into the cafeteria. My head snapped towards the sound. The footsteps belonged to a boy, probably around 5'11-6', dusty blonde hair, and hazel-green eyes. He wore black head-to-toe and gave off a cold and mysterious vibe. His eyes moved around the cafeteria, looking at everyone's shocked faces.

He then rolled his eyes out of annoyance and started walking my direction. I felt my heart pounding faster and faster as he came towards me. As he was walking, our eyes met and I could see no emotion in his eyes. Nothing. When he finally went past my table, the strong smell of cologne hit my nose and went through my system.

When I looked up to see the faces of my friends, they all had the same expression I had written on their faces.
"Who was that?" I asked
"Smoking hot, that's what he is" Sammy giggled.
We all sniggered and shook our heads at her comment.
"No but seriously, who is he?" I asked again.
"I don't know but he's sitting with Jason and his crew." Replied Candace.
"He's probably a f*ck boy; they all are." Muttered Kate.
Kate hated Jason and his friends, like she despised them. They used to bully her back in middle school so she always held a grudge for them. Thankfully, they stopped and don't talk to her anymore.

While we're finishing our conversations, the bell for last period rung. So we threw away our rubbish and made our way to class.

Unknown P.O.V
As I stepped into the new school, the feelings of anger seeped into my system. Why did I have to move and leave the life that I loved for my stupid dad and his job. That's all he cares about. Money. Money. Money. No wonder mum left him. Once I made my way to the loud cafeteria, silence fell as soon as I opened the door.

I looked through the crowds of students and rolled my eyes. What's so shocking about a new student? They need to get a life and mind their own business. I started walking to the counter to get some food and the only that could be heard were my footsteps.

While I was walking to counter and looking at the students that I walked past, one made eye contact with me. She was slightly tan, had brown hair and big brown eyes.

Her eyes held so much confusion. I scanned through the rest of the table she was sitting at and they all had the same expression. I carried on walking until I was stopped by a group of boys sitting at a table.
"Hey man, wanna sit with us?" Said a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes.
I gave him no reaction and he frowned.
"Sh*t, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Jason." Said the same boy.
He took his hand out for me to shake it and I complied.

He then introduced me to the rest of the boys sitting on the table and they told me about what they did fun and irrelevant things like that. It seems like they're the popular guys at school. This is going to be fun.

Rebecca's P.O.V
Since we all had the same class-Economics- we went to the class and sat down in our seats. The teacher began to tell us that we were going to have a new student join our class.

We were all thinking about who it might be, but then the guy from lunch popped up into my mind. I asked the rest of the girls if they thought of the same person and they all said yes.

As if he was right on cue, the boy from lunch strolled in.
"And here he is!" Exclaimed the teacher.
He scanned through the class room and made eye contact with me again, he stared at me for a bit and then snapped out of it.
"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Asked the teacher.
"My name is Xavier Mannings." Replied the boy with a deep voice that could make the ground shake.
"Well Xavier, where shall we put you? Oh, you can sit next to Rebecca! Rebecca could you raise your hand please?" Said the teacher.

I felt my stomach churn and I hesitantly raised my hand. Xavier spotted me and began to walk towards me. I couldn't make anymore eye contact with him; it was too nerve-wracking. Once he came to the seat beside me, he set down his things and looked at me once again.

When I was about to look back, he quickly turned to face the board and started to listen to the teacher. I ignored what just had happened and started to pay attention to class.

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