Chapter 3

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Xavier's P.O.V
After talking to those boys, I grabbed my time table and headed to my last class- economics. I was the only one left in the empty corridors, since everyone hurried to their classes. When I reached my class, I overheard the teacher talking and he was speaking about me.

I walked into the class room and the teacher immediately shouted
"And here he is!" Jesus he was full of energy. I looked around the classroom to see my new peers and I saw the same girl with big brown eyes. I studied her expression and she looked nervous. I looked away as soon as the teacher asked
"Would you like to introduce yourself?"
"My name is Xavier Mannings." I said clearly to the class.
"Well Xavier, where shall we put you? Oh, I know! Why don't you sit next to Rebecca, Rebecca could you raise your hand please?" Exclaimed the teacher.

A hand shot up and it belonged to the same girl with big brown eyes. I was a bit surprised but I masked my emotions, whilst hers were displaced for the whole world to see. I began walking to my assigned seat and I gave her one last glance before sitting down and paying attention the teacher.

Economics- I hate it with a passion. My dad made me learn so much about it even though it's nothing I want to pursue a career in. So basically what the teacher was teaching me was everything I already knew. After what felt like and eternity, class was finally finished and I started packing my things to leave.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girl with brown eyes -Rebecca or whatever her name was- drop her things onto the floor. Being the gentleman I am, I turned and started to help her pick up her things.

Once I looked back up to give her things, I could see crimson red flush across her face and her big eyes staring into mine. She snapped out of the trance she was in and said "Thank you." quietly before leaving the classroom with her friends.

I followed them out of the classroom and made my way to the entrance of the school to go home.

Rebecca's P.O.V
Finally it was time to go home and get some rest, plus it's a Friday so I get the weekend too. I was putting my things away when I accidentally dropped my books on the floor. I was about to pick them up when another hand picked them up for me- it was Xavier.

When he looked up to give my things to me, I felt the sting of embarrassment seep into my cheeks. I looked into his golden eyes and again saw no emotion. After I realised I was staring, I said "Thank you." and began to walk out of the classroom with my friends.

The corridor was busy and packed with students eager to go home and get away from school. As we were walking to our lockers to put our things away, Sammy started giggling.
"Sammy, you good? Why are you laughing like you're crazy?" I asked her.
"Did you see your face when you looked at Xavier?" She giggled.
Then Candace burst out laughing saying "You turned into a tomato!"
I felt a sweep of embarrassment rush into my face and frowned.
"You did look like a tomato Rebecca, you look one right now." Giggled Kate.
"Oh shut up." I said walking away from them to my locker.

As I opened it, a letter fell onto the floor.
"Guys, what's this?" I said as confusion swept across my brain.
"I don't know, open it." Exclaimed Candace
"Oooooh, Rebecca's got an admirer!" Sammy said sheepishly.
"Or a secret stalker!" Said Kate.
"You two, stop creeping her out. Don't worry Becca, just open it." Candace said trying to comfort me. (Becca is my nick name).
Trusting the words of my best friend, I cautiously opened the letter. It read ...

Dear Rebecca,
You have lit up the darkness in my heart, and opened my eyes to your astounding beauty.

- RX

"What the f*ck is this?" I shouted.
"See, I told you it's an admirer! No one ever believes me!" Said Sammy crossing her arms over her chest.
"I wonder who gave that?" Questioned Candace with her eyebrows frowned.
"Hmm, lets just hope they're not dangerous." Said Kate.
"It's probably a stupid prank or something." I said as I scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it in the bin.
"Probably." Said everyone else.

After we all finished our conversations and said goodbye, we split up on our ways to go home. Candace and I live near each-other, whilst Sammy and Kate take the bus to school, so they had to run to catch it.

While we were both walking, I started thinking the worst-case-scenario about that letter. What if it was a murderer? Or someone who hates me? Candace noticed and said...
"Hey, the letters probably a prank. Stop thinking the worst." She said with a small smile on her face.
"I don't know, I feel a bit scared." I said worryingly.
"You'll be fine." She said rubbing my shoulders.
I replied back with a smile and we started talking about other things to take my mind off it and it worked. As we were walking through the calm streets , we saw a squirrel stuck in a fence and we wondering whether we should help it or not. We decided to help it get out and go back to whichever tree it came from.

We had finally made it to my house. I hugged Candace and said my goodbyes as I was unlocking the door. Candace lives a few streets away from me, so she had to walk a bit further.

As soon as I stepped into my house I kicked my shoes off and face planted into the couch. After laying there for about 5 minutes, I ran to my room and started blasting my favourite song ' BTS Boy with Luv'. That's my jam.

After dancing around my room and singing with out loud with my heart, I didn't realise I had been doing random things for about 3 hours.

It was now 8pm, time for my mom to come back home from work and speaking of the devil, she came bang on time. We talked about our day and ate dinner together. I said "Good night and I love you" then headed up to my room.

After watching random YouTube videos and replying to my friends messages, I fell into a deep sleep.

How was Chapter 3? I didn't plan for it to be longer than the other chapters but Oh well.
And who is 'RX'??


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