Chapter 11

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RX/Xavier's P.O.V
As I sunk my head to the floor and walked outside, I felt the cold droplets of polluted rain-water fall on my face. I f*cked up. It was too soon to kiss her. But I just couldn't help it.

Her red lips pouting in such a cute way, her thick eyelashes drenched with tears. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted her to know I was there.

I will always be there for her.She just doesn't know that. She will know soon. I'll find a way to make her mine. Permanently.

Rebecca's P.O.V
I don't know how I managed to fall asleep last night, with everything that happened yesterday. Xavier, the funeral, my family leaving me, Sh*t! Xavier.

He kissed me. Xavier kisses me. The way his soft lips felt being pushed against mine, I was too broken to process it.

I can't believe I shouted at him after that. I mean you can't really blame me. I just had to witness my mother's funeral and then a stupid guy thinks a kiss will take away all the pain.

It did-momentarily. But the pain came back again. And it still hurts.

Luckily, today is a national holiday, which means school will be closed, meaning I won't see Xavier and I can spend time on myself.

To make myself feel better about everything going on in my current life, I ran a hot steamy bath and dropped in a rose bath bomb.
"Ahhhh I love roses!" I shouted out to no one in particular.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp breeze of the cold wind hit me on the back of the neck. Immediately whipping my head around, I ran to the window and shut it tightly, making sure to lock it.

A chill ran through my spine. Was my stalker there? I was so stupid to not check around the house before I ran the bath.

Shaking off all of the thoughts screaming in my brain, I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the bath. My skin felt as though I was being cooked alive,but it was a good burn. I felt clean and I felt new.

After an hour of soaking up in the rose flavoured water, I stepped out, wrapping a towel securely around my body. I stepped towards the bathroom mirror and wiped away the steam with my hand.

I couldn't recognise the girl in front of me, sad and tired eyes, pale and dead skin. This wasn't me.

Sighing in disappointment I picked up my hair brush and ran it through my wet hair. As I was doing so, I let my eyes wander around the room. Eventually to the window.

My heart stopped. The brush fell out of my hand. I stood there frozen, my eyes tearing up as I realised it was him, staring directly at me.

He stood there in a stance, Almost as though he was waiting for me to notice him. It didn't take me long to realise that there was sinister gleam tinted over his eyes.

My breathing began to quicken. He wore the same black outfit that masked his features. I looked back up to his eyes. Golden like the sun. It was captivating.

We stared at each-other for what felt like hours. His eyes squinted, like he was smiling, and he turned his body to walk away.

My eyes widened as I realised the only way to leave the garden was to go around my front door.

I scrambled towards the bathroom door and ripped it open. Still only covered by the towel, I rapidly ran down the stairs and slammed into the front door, falling over.

Despite the pain, I picked myself up and locked every single latch that my door had attached to it. Panting like I ran a marathon, I stepped back from the door and also started to close all of the windows I could see in my house.

Is he there? My brain began to create different scenarios with all the things he could do to me. Will he kidnap me? Will he kill me?

After waiting for my heart to calm down and frantically checking each window, I went towards the front door and looked through the peephole.

There was no one there. He left. I felt a wash of relief flow through my body.

Loosening the tight grip I had on my towel, I started walking upstairs towards my room. I immediately changed into a pair of fluffy pajamas and completed my skin routine.

After checking myself out in the mirror one last time, I stepped out of my room. I unconsciously started walking towards my mom's room. I never once thought to walk in there because it was just too much for me.

Everything which reminded me of her was in there. All her clothes, the pictures the memories, it was all there. I didn't realise that I started crying until I touched the door handle. Taking in a deep breath, I entered the room.

It remained the same sad and dark tomb in which I discovered my mother that day. Her bed was still messy. I didn't bother to check or clean her room soon after she passed.

The wound of grief was still deep and it wasn't going to heal anytime soon. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My eyes scanned across and it landed on her bedside table, a picture of me and her, smiling whilst holding gingerbread lattes.

A smile made its way on my lips, and I felt the tears running down my face. At least she was still here, with me, living through my memories and heart.

I placed down the picture frame and and walked to her closet. I opened it up to see her different outfits from all the jobs she's had in the span of a few years. From a cleaner to a waitress and then to a nurse.

My mom was a very hardworking woman who did her very best for the people she loved. After flicking through her clothes I looked towards the bottom of her closet.

A grey box, with a shiny bow on the lid, was staring at me. Feeling intrigued, I picked it up and sat down on the wooden floor.

Hesitantly I opened the lid, and my heart immediately felt warm and loved. Inside was pictures and notes of my accomplishments and milestones, all written down by my mother.

From my first tooth falling out, to my first day of high school. She cherished everything. There were also pictures of my whole family together, before the divorce and separation between us all. We all looked so happy.

Even my dad was smiling in the pictures. Speaking of dad, he didn't turn up to the funeral or even ask how we were after the news of mom passing. I guess he never cared.

Wiping away the remaining tears, I put the box down and placed it back into the closet. I stood up, a bit too fast, and walked towards the curtains. I opened them, letting the suns bright rays shine through.

Looking around the room, I sighed heavily and decided to clean it up just a little bit so that it at least could look and feel warm, like she was still here. First, I made her bed and even sprayed her favourite perfume on top, and then vacuumed around the room making sure there was no traces of dust and neglect from the room left.

Feeling accomplished with my work, I took a step back and quietly said the words "I love you Mom, please be at peace and watch over me."

After heavy demand, I decided to update with another chapter. At first I was going to end that book as it is, but seeing that it already had 13k views and you guys really wanted me to carry on, I started to write this chapter. Plus with quarantine it will give me something productive to do, and I promise the next chapter will be out soon. Once again thank you for all the votes and reads, it really does mean a lot. I almost started to cry when I saw how many people have read or even seen my book.

I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't what you expected after waiting for a long time, but you just have to give me some time and I promise the next chapter will be so much better and filled with more exciting things.

Please remember to stay home, stay safe, and most importantly stay happy.


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