Chapter 4

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Unknown P.O.V
The moonlight shone on her face, as I watched her toss and turn in her sleep. She looked so beautiful. Her chestnut hair was tangled into a mess and her plump lips looked so soft.

She was too foolish to leave her window open, what if someone dangerous came to visit her, she's glad I'm here to protect her. I will always keep her safe.

I gave a her kiss to the forehead and put a little message on her bedside table.
"Goodbye my love, I'll see you soon" I whispered into her ear before I left through the window quietly.

Rebecca's P.O.V
I woke up with the sun blinding me with its powerful rays and I immediately threw the blanket over my head. As I felt around the bedside table for my phone, I saw in the corner of my eye, a piece of paper drop onto the floor.

Hmm, what's this? I thought as I picked it up. It was a letter. Another letter. I felt chills run all over my spine. How did it get here? Is it from the same person? I cautiously opened it. What it said made me feel sick to my stomach.

Dear Rebecca,
How was your sleep? You looked so pretty and peaceful. I hope you've been dreaming of me. I'll see you soon my love.

~ RX

I dropped the paper in shock and immediately grabbed my phone to text my friends.
Group chat:
R=Rebecca, C=Candace, S=Sammy, K=Kate
R-Guys! I'm freaking out so much right now!
C-What? Why? What happened?
S-Are you okay? What happened?
K-Did something bad happen?
R-I think Kate was right yesterday, I have a stalker. I received another letter. IT WAS IN MY ROOM!!!
C-Okay don't panic, it's probably a sick prank.
S-What did it say?
K-Yeah, is it something creepy?
I sent them a picture of the letter.
C-Holy sh*t.
R-I know I'm sh*tting my pants right now.
S-Why the f*ck are they saying you looked 'pretty and peaceful' while sleeping.
K-and the 'I'll see you soon my love' that's f*cking creepy.
R-I know, I'm scared.
C-If it is a person or a sick prank, would they be able to get into your room?
R-No, my mom always locks the doors before going to bed.
K-What about windows?
R-Eurgh I'm so stupid, I left my window wide open yesterday.
S-Damn right you're stupid.
C-Sammy shush. The time you go to sleep, shut all of your windows.
K-And your curtains. So then they can't see anything.
R-What should I do with the letter?
S-Keep it.
C-Throw it.
K-For once listen to Sammy, if the person keeps doing it you could report it to the police and have evidence.
R-Thanks guys, I appreciate that you're here for me.
S-No problemo.❤️
C-Always here.💖
K-Stay safe.💜

After texting 'bye' I put my phone down and began to realise the situation was in. I have a stalker who loves to watch me while I'm sleeping and is crazy. Who is the person 'RX' and what do they want from me?

To put my mind at ease for a bit, I decided to take a relaxing shower. Thankfully it worked, but now I'm back to thinking about it. While I was stuck in my thoughts, a few knocks on my door snapped me out of it.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Honey, are you there?" Asked my mom.
"Yeah, I'm here mom," I replied
"Do you want to go to the mall with me?" She said.
"Sure! Let me grab my things." I said.
I haven't spent that much time recently with my mom so now we can bond and be together for a while.

At the mall~
After walking around the mall for a few hours, looking at things and then leaving them, we decided to get some food. Since we were both craving for something sweet, we went to a dessert place. I ordered a sundae , whilst my mom ordered waffles.

We talked about how we missed the family being together and that things had been different since my Mum and Dads divorce. They both just kept fighting and arguing and we all had enough. I do love my dad, he just hasn't put any effort into our relationship so I gave up on him. He's nothing to me now.

While we're talking, I noticed the pain in my mothers eyes and it broke my heart. So I went onto the other side of the booth where she was sitting and hugged her. It felt nice. It felt warm. After we cried a bit, we left the dessert place, we went home.

Once we went back home, I started to binge on shows I haven't watched in a while. So 'Friends', 'You', and other shows. After procrastinating for a while, I decided to try and get all my homework done so I could have a 'lazy Sunday'.

When I was about to start my homework, I noticed that my window was wide open and quickly shut it. I wasn't going to let that sick creep come back into my house.

After completing most of my homework, I noticed a figure outside. A shadow. It was wearing all black and all I could see was the shape. I knew the figure could see my every move, so I decided to be brave and shout at it.

As I opened the window I shouted
"Hey you! Yeah you! Stop being a perv and get away from my house!"

Loud deep chuckles could be heard from the garden and I knew that 'it' wasn't fazed one bit and stepped closer. My heart was probably beating 1000 mph and I could feel beads of sweat getting ready to form.

I then quickly shut the window and the curtains and jumped into my bed, protecting myself with the blanket. After what felt like an eternity, I peaked my head out of the covers and tip-toed to the window.

I slowly opened the curtains and saw nothing. There was no one there.

What just happened? Is my mind playing tricks on me? Am I paranoid? Trying to shake off what happened, I climbed back into my comfy bed and let sleep consume me.

Oooh, things are escalating. What will happen to Rebecca and who is 'RX'? Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

- S

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