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if you are sensitive to sexual assault/sex revenge/exposed or a family member dying please skip this chapter, if not continue. have a good day

miles and gwen jumped on the bed, breathing heavily. "you know we're a good team, miles" "you think so?" gwen nodded, smiling. miles finally built up the courage, and asked. "so why did you come back?" "something told me that I had too" he looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "i missed you gwen" "i missed you too miles"

"oh wait look I got you something" she smiled, digging through her pocket. it was too necklaces one saying "best" and one saying "friend" he smiled, taking the best part. she smiled "i knew you would've picked that one" he laughed, putting it on. she put hers on too, she looked up "do you like it" he nodded smiling so big.

they laid back on the bed, gwen looked over. "have you ever been in a relationship miles?" "um, yes one but. it went wro-" "oh why? what happened" he looked away. "uh, something just happened." "did she cheat on you" "no it wasn't like that-" "come on miles just tell me you can trust me"

he closed his eyes, trying to block out the memories of what happened but they kept coming back. "gwen.." "you can't tell anyone" he stared deep in her eyes, looking serious. she extended her pinky to his, crossing them together "i promise"

"she just, she did bad things. and i got exposed and i never told anyone." "told anyone what" "she did something she wasn't supposed to" "miles you can trust me." "one night she laid me down, and without my will she just.." he trailed off, shifting his eyes then closing them lightly. gwen tried not to act surprised, because she had never heard of sexual assault on a man before. but you know, everything happens. both are bad, regardless what gender you do it to or what your gender is.

"miles, I'm sorry.. why haven't you told anyone?" "i was scared" "miles-" she didn't know what to say, never going through it but only hearing about it. she laid her hand on the back of his head rubbing it slightly.

"my mom left me whenever I was 6" miles looked at her, not knowing what to say but only listen. "i haven't seen her since, but no matter what. i hope she's happy, but i hope my mom still thinks about me. we don't know where she went." gwen frowned.

"i guess you know something bad about me too, huh?" She smiled, stopped rubbing his head, looking down. "im always here gwen, and i don't know what that's like but i am always here. you're an amazing person, and spider woman" she smiled, moving her sides to him, now facing his direction. she admired him so much, but didn't know how to tell him.

after all, they only had 6 days left. why not make those 6 days the best?

 why not make those 6 days the best?

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A/N *****

hey y'all I'll make a few more chapters before I go to bed but if you're reading this now, please tell me what you feel about the story! and give me ideas! luv u guys xoxox 📈💞❤️

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