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gwen woke up before him, she glanced at the clock. "9:23" she remembered telling miles she woke up early while he usually slept in late. 5 more days seemed so little, but those 5 days she'd make him hers. for good.

she put on her suit and swung out the window, watching all the cars riding past. jumping building to building, swinging pole to pole. she went down and saw police gathered. "what seems to be the problem, officers?" they looked her up and down, she had forget she hadn't been relevant in this universe. "nice cosplay kid, now go on we're supposed to figure out who's been robbing the bank. get on."

she snapped, that had been her answer. policemen were so dumb. this had been the same problem as last time, not as interesting. she swung to the bank, seeing it completely wrecked. must of been a bomb that collapsed it, she went into the opening and explored the bank. she was looking around until she finally stumbled on a black fabric. "that's weird" she said. while observing it, it seemed like it was rough like some sort of kind of little  razor.

she heard footsteps approaching and her spidey senses suddenly went off whenever she was grabbed from the back of her head. she wasn't quick enough. the person turned her around, as she looked she saw a black figure and white eyes. the mask looked like some sort of demon that came out of hell. "now who are you? spider-girl?" the voice laughed, but seemed mechanical. she grabbed ahold of his hand and bashed him straight to the floor.

she ran up to the ceiling but he jumped, catching ahold of her. he pounded her to the ground, grabbing a hold of her neck and squeezing hard. the monster pulled off her mask and made a scratch mark right through her right eye.

she tried to grasp for air but it didn't work, she kicked and kicked but nothing worked. she looked to her side and saw a screw driver. must have been for opening the door or something. she felt the rough hand getting tighter and tighter.

she saw an opening of his neck and stabbed into it, he let go screaming in agony. before she could do anything else, he left. he had knew her identity now, and he ran away? she couldn't run after him, she needed help to get up. her throat hurt and her eye twitched. she coughed and put on her mask, swinging out of the building.

who was that? and why was he in the bank? was he the one robbing it?

miles morales x gwen stacy Where stories live. Discover now