The shock

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Hello so this is my first book and I don't know if anyone will read it but it is really fun to write and my goal is to have at least two readers so I hope you enjoy!! Ps this takes place right after the end of Flashback
    Sophie was so shocked and heartbroken that she couldn't move. The two ladies that were helping  her  looked at her in simpathy. I'm sorry dear one of them said but Sophie barely heard her. Fitz will never want me, rushed through her head. Then the tears came as she realized even if he did she would never want to have him to have the scorn. She decided to go out to tell Grady and Edaline the news. Edaline let her cry in her arms wile Grady's face got pail, he was furious. But instead of yelling or punching something he came and gave her a hug.

    Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter and you will get more soon because I am really excited to write about my favorite books. And a big thanks to Shannon Messenger for writing these books in the first place. And it's 204 words. So I hoped you liked it!🤗

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