Back and forth

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OK so I just found out that I have been spelling Linh's name wrong this whole time so enjoy this chapter.
They light leaped with Mr. Forkel to the hideout . Linh was still unconscious when they got there. Fitz used his tecknes( is that how you spell it?) to move a chair closer Linh's bed then gently set sophie down on it. She got light headed right away as Fitz grabbed another chair and moved it right next to hers and she put her head on his shoulder so her head wasn't hurting so bad. I don't think this is a good idea Fitz said seeing her brow arched in pain. I'm fine she said pulling herself up and putting her fingers on Linh's temple. Fitz grabbed her hand put his fingers on Linh's other temple and they went into her mind. Sophie pulled Fitz twards the small Linh in her mind. Linh what's wrong. Oh there you are Linh said. What took you so long? She asked. Um Sophie thought. She didn't want Linh to worry about her so she said I had to go tell Grady and Edaline I wouldn't be home tonight because my imparter wasn't working. Oh you don't have to stay. No we are Sophie cut her off. Fitz squeezed Sophie's hand. Ya we're staying Fitz said. Ok well I just needed someone who has been taken by the Neverseen before that I could talk to. That's why we're here Sophie said. Her head was starting to pound and she needed to move her head so it wouldn't explode. I'll be right back she told Linh and pulled her mind out of Linh's and clasped onto the ground. Fitz turned her over so she was lying flat on the ground.and pulled her close to his chest I told you this wasn't a good idea Fitz said looking at her in concern. I'm fine, I'm with you (sorry it's cheesy but I couldn't I couldn't help myself) we promised we would go back to see Linh, Sophie said but she still didn't want to get up. Sophie I want you to be ok and I think that means not going into Linh's mind Fitz said. Fitz I'm going in no matter what if you don't want to come then......... then I have to do it by myself. Ok you have to promise me something though. Anything, she said quickly. You are going to stay in the hospital wing for at least two days. She opened her mouth. And I'm staying with you for at least three. Ok, she didn't want to stay in the hospital wing for two days but at least she would be with Fitz. Good, we have to tell Linh we won't be able to stay now, Fitz said. And we're not lying again. Sophie's face burned. I didn't want to lie, I just didn't want her to worry about me wile her brother is missing, and she has been tortured, she said not looking at Fitz. Hey it's Linh, one of our best friends, she'll understand he said gently turning her head so she had to look at him. She smiled, ok let's go but do you want to do the talking she asked shyly. Of course, Fitz said sitting her up slowly. She clung to him. He sat down on one of the chairs close to Linh's bed and let Sophie lean into him as she sat on his lap. They both put their fingers on Linh's temples, held hands and went in. What happened? The small Linh asked them. Sophie still has shadow vapor in her head. Fitz said doing the talking to Linh like he said he would. That's why it took us so long to get here and that's why we had to leave a few minutes ago. Sophie why are you here if it's hurting you?! Linh asked alarmed. I am because you are more hurt than me. I mean your healing buy I just have a head ache. Sophie you don't just have a headache. Fitz said automatically. Ok fine I don't just have a headache but you just need to think about your recovery, Sophie said I'll be ok. I spouse you won't be coming back then? Linh asked sounding sad. Well I made Sophie promise that if we came back this time she would spend at least two days in the hospital wing with me and Elwin. Fitz said and Sophie quickly said, but if you need us we will come, no matter what. Thanks you guys Linh said. Well you recover ok, Sophie said. I will and you too, she responded. I promise we'll see you soon, Sophie said and the pulled out of her mind. Sophie was sweating as she let her head fall, but Fitz caught her and set her down on the floor. Psic gave her a few elixirs and then said she needed to go to Elwin. So Fitz cradled her in his arms and brought her outside to where all of their friends were waiting. Is she ok? What happened? Where are you bringing her? They all asked different questions at the same time. She'll be ok and I'm bringing her to Elwin Fitz explained as he got out his Foxfire crystal and leaped away. They got to Elwin's office / the hospital wing and when everyone saw then they all seemed to be yelling at them. SHHH! Fitz said as Sophie pushed her head into Fitz's chest when everyone got quiet, and Sophie relaxed. He set Sophie down on her cot and covered her up he turned to go talk to everyone but Sophie grabbed his arm. Stay she whispered she moved over and held up the blanket. You said you would stay with me for at least three days so stay. He sat on the bed I have to calm your family and Elwin down so they don't kill us, Fitz said sarcastically. Then bring them in here to I can still be with you, and Grady and Edaline, she said smiling. Well then how can I say no he said getting up. He opened the door and let Grady, Edaline, and Elwin in. He sat back down on the bed as the rest of them pulled chairs close to her bed. As Fitz told the story she sat up and snuggled into Fitz's side and he put his arm around her. By the time he was done telling the story she was asleep lying across his legs. Grady and Edaline kissed her on her forehead and left and Elwin went to his desk and left them alone. Fitz moved so that he was lying down and Sophie was on his chest. One of her legs was lying across his and her one of her hands was around his neck and the other was on his chest. And he fell asleep watching Sophie's peacefully sleeping.
Love you guys hope you all enjoyed! Oh and it's 1170 words.

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