The longest night

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So hey do you remember me? Sorry I haven't posted in forever but I hope you like this chapter.
We will be back and we will get you better, Sophie reassured Lynh before she snaped back to reality. Her and Fitz moved their hands away from Lynh's temples but Fitz did not let go of her hand she felt it very comforting so she didn't let go either. She has been through a lot, Sophie said addressing Mr. Forkel. Send me the memory, he replied. She did and then her and Fitz went outside to let Keefe, Bania, and Dex go see Lynh wile all of their bodyguards stayed outside the door with Fitz and Sophie. It was kind of crowded with Sophie's five bodyguards, plus Fitz's, Baina's, Dex's, and Keefe's bodyguards. But Sophie sat down next to Fitz on the small bench outside the door and all of their bodyguards turned and looked the other way. Shopie and Fitz had still not let go of each other's hands. She put her head on his shoulder exhausted. She'll be ok, Fitz told her. She drifted of to sleep. A warm hand touched her cheek and she opened her eyes. She looked up into Fitz's pirfect face and he flashed a movie star smile. Sorry did I fall asleep, she asked sitting upright. Ya, but I figured you would want to be awake when everyone else comes out so I woke you up. Thanks, she said. Are we leaving Lynh here with just Pcisic, she asked in alarm. No, Wyle has been staying with her and Dex won't leave now that he's seen her. I feel like I should stay, she said. If you stay we stay, Sandor reminded her. And like you said, you need me, Fitz transmitted to her. She blushed but she knew he was right. Ok me, the five of you, Fitz, Dex, and Wyle are all staying, she said counting them each on her fingers to all the people standing outside Lynh's room with her. The rest of their friends came out. Keefe scouled when her saw that I had my head on Fitz's shoulder. But I did not have the strength to move it so I stayed put. I quickly told them what was staying and immediately Keefe and Bania burst into argument. Sophie closed her eyes and tried to ignore the pounding in her head. Hey you ok Foster? Keefe asked when he saw me close my eyes. Ya um my head just hurts she said as she felt Fitz pull her closer even though they were already so close a piece of paper couldn't fit in between them. I'll be fine she said but when she tried to look up at Fitz she couldn't and her head felt like it would explode. Woh Foster that is a lot of emotions there's no way your ok. A tear slipped down her cheek as she said I can't move my head it hurts so bad! Somebody go get Mr. Forkel and tell him I'm bringing Sophie to Elwin. Fits said right away.
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KOTLC  Sophie and FitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora