The burns

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She looked up at Master Legetto. Yes, they are all coming, she said. Ok we leave right away then, he said getting up. They got outside the door to find all of her bodyguards and all of her friends waiting for her. She looked at Fitz. They had clearly been easdroping because Fitz beamed at her. She walked over to him and held his hand. What made you decide to let us came with you, Fitz in her ear. I remembered watching the stars with you and looking up into your eyes, she said truthfully. I need you Fitz, I always have and I always will, she said quietly. I need you too, Fitz said. Mr. Forkel coughed they looked up the rest of their friends were all holding hands and ready to light leap they quickly went to hold the hands of their friends to get going. They stepped into the light. They showed up out side of a smaller building for the lost cities but it would still be a mansion for the humans. They went inside and found a hallway with stars to the side and two doors to the right and one to the left. Mr. Forkel lead them up the stairs and to a door on their right and then stoped. She's been hurt pretty bad and only two of you can come in at a time or Phisic will kill me, Mr. Forkel said. I'm going in first, Sophie said before anyone else could say anything. And I'm going with her, Fitz said right after Sophie said she was going in. Ok, the rest of you can wait out here, Mr. Forkel said to Bania, Keefe, and Dex. He opened the door and they walked in. Phisic was leaning over a limp body on a bed in a large room. There were two chairs in the room but no one was sitting on them. Sophie felt terrible that she wasn't there earlier. I'm checking her memory, Sophie said and walked up to her bedside and gagged. Lynh's burns were the same as Wylie's or maybe even worse. Fitz came up beside her and put his hand on her shoulder. This is not your fault, he said. I have to see how bad her mind is before you cam come in, she told Fitz. Then she looked at Mr. Forkel and surprisingly he said, I haven't gone into her mind yet, I thought you would want to and Lynh trusts you more than she trusts me. She didn't know what to say so she just nodded and turned tward Phisic. Phisic moved over and Sophie placed he fingers on her temples. Thanks for reading! One thing I realized was Fenton and Bryant( if that's how you spell their names?!) are both gone so they don't have someone who could burn with fire and I didn't want to rewrite th is so they got a new protonic.

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