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Julia came just as she said bringing along her kids. The kids were happy to see each other as they all got in a group hug and spoke secretly then laughed together. Even my not so sick Jason was full of energy now.

As the kids went to play I had told Julia what had happened and how my loving ex husband came trying to get me back.

"And he even dared to send flowers?!" Julia gasped as she points out the window. The kids had taken the flowers out side and started to pull them apart having fun with them. The twins stomped on the roses while the triplets made a pile of flower petals.

I really could care less about those flowers. Does he really think he can buy my forgiveness, he really never knew me at all. I'm not the same person I was back then, I had to learn and become a different person the hard way.

"He even sent a note with it"

"Let me see the note" I go to the trash bin I had thrown it in but it was no longer there. I swear I threw it in here.

"That's odd I threw it in the bin but it's no longer in there"

"Are you sure that the kids didn't take it?" Julia says as she waddles her way to me. The kids couldn't have gotten it they have been with me the whole time. Maybe I misplaced it I guess.

" No I don't think so, anyways come on sit down while I go get something I've been meaning to give you"

I make my way up stairs to my room looking around trying to find the bag of things I've been meaning to give Julia. I walk into my closet opening the cabinets one by one.

"Aha I found you"

I take hold of the bag and make my way back down to the living room. "Amber what took you so long?" She asked as she rubbed her belly.

"I may or may not have forgotten where I had places the things I wanted to give you so it took some time to find, but I have found it." I hand her the bag as I sit next to her on the couch.

She takes the bag and opens it as she start to pull out all of the items inside.

"Amber they are beautiful...I haven't been able to find any of these things not even online!" She starts to tear up as she places the the small dresses on her belly. "Awe don't cry Julia I knew you would love them, plus my niece has to look and dress like a princess" I say as I place some white and pink cotton slippers flat on my palm.

Ever since I had my babies I have been a fan of baby clothes, I mean just who doesn't find baby clothes adorable. Sadly they grow out of it to quickly.


I hear my baby call out to me and I get up from the couch and out the back door where the Kid's where all playing. I look around to find them chasing my Bella. As soon as she sees me she heads straight to me. She ran up the porch stairs.

When she is close enough she jumps up and I am quick to catch her. "Help Mommy those ugly monsters are trying to eat me the beautiful queen" she said as she points to the boys.

I instantly knew what I had to do next...

"How dare thee try to hurt my queen!" I say as I put Bella down behind me as I protect her. The boys had finally caught up.

"Who are you to stop us" Mathew said as he took a step closer. The rest of the boys tries to circle us in order to trap us.

"I am the queens knight, I protect her with my life" I say as I place my right fist to my heart. The boys looked at each other and nodded.

"It's one against four" Marten said as he got even closer

"Now" he yelled as they all came at me at once but that didn't scare me away. As they jumped at me I caught two and gently threw them on the couch porch. While the other two grabbed hold of my legs. I tried shaking them off but no use so I did the only thing I could. I looked down at them and reached my hands to them as I find there ticklish spot. So they let's me go and admit their defeat.

"Ha no one beats the queens knight" I say as I pick up Bella

"You guys are all silly" I turn to find Julia standing by the door with her phone in her hand. "How long have you been there?" I ask as I walk over to her. "Ever since Bella called for you. I have everything recorded." I groan and run my hand through my hair.

Everything Julia records ends up on social media. I sigh and turn to face the kids "come on my children I bet you are all famished." I head in inside with everyone making my way to the kitchen with Bella.

I place her on the counter and go look through the fridge to see what I can make.

"Mommy your phone keeps ringing" Mason said as he walks into the kitchen with my phone. I thank him as I take it from him.

The number was unknown, the person was a persistent one since he or she had call so many times.

"Hello this is Ms.Cruz speaking" I answered

"Mrs.Black suits up better." The person says and I instantly knew who it was.

"How did...you know what I'm not even going to ask" I say "did you get the flowers my love?" He said with an amused tone. "Oh I did and they went straight to he trash too. And don't call me that. Lucian when will you understand leave me alone, we are over it has been since the moment I left your house." "No-"

I hung up on him before he could even respond. He called back but I blocked his number and made a quick note to change my number.

"Mommy who was that?" I turn to find everyone looking at me. I smile as I place my phone on the table.

" It's no one of importance, no need to worry"

Yes no one of importance. He has no right to be called your father he is but a mear sperm donor how helped me get my beautiful angels.

His Ex-wife (Love is for the weak)Where stories live. Discover now