The Beginning??

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So where do I start?

It's kind of hard to find the proper words to open a story, especially when it spans thousands and thousands of years full of history so much so we became legends ourselves.

My family and I share a complicated past. There are six of us including myself in my family. As the eldest child, it is my birthright to begin the Chrysocolla Saga with my very own tale.

To write about my own involves telling the life stories of my family and many others. It is only through them can you know more about me.


Now that I remembered, I forget to introduce myself.

Where are my manners? Pardon me.

If I think about it, I go by many names throughout my life but let's not complicate things right at the start.

Let me introduce myself once again.

My name is Raquelle and this is my story.

Raquelle's ResurgentWhere stories live. Discover now