The Whole Empire

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"Are you sure this is right?"

"I don't know. It's just our job to post this up. Who knows what the Daily Tidings is planning?"

"But isn't Lord Tidus part of the Council? Not to mention he's the Chief Representative. If this is really true, then this news is definitely going to blow up to epic proportions!"

"Not only that, it would affect the whole empire as well."

Morning had barely reached the lands of Lynevan. The couriers were already out and about during the early hours of the day going around city to deliver the daily news.

While it should have been a simple task, it was with a heavy heart for them to post it up because the news for this morning were seemingly unbelievable. Who would believe that their High Lord of the Lynevan Council and the Chief Representative of the Nevanllha Parliament to be a traitor?

Being the Head of the Vancleave Clan and the former Vassalord of their Sovereign Majesties, anyone would find it hard to believe that Lord Tidus had murdered the Senior Council members in a span of one night.

What was the purpose of killing them when he was already the leader? And why would he jeopardise his hard work just like that? Surely, something was very wrong here.

The couriers was a big supporter of Lord Tidus so when they received the post, they simply refuse to believe it. If it wasn't because of their job, they would have tore it to shreds, not wanting to disgrace the noble reputation of their High Lord. Sadly, they went about with their jobs, knowing full well of what's to come.

True enough as soon the posts were delivered, a huge crowd gathered in front of the bulletin board.

"What the? This can't be right?!"

"This is an insult! Who dares to spoil the good name of the Vancleave?"

"As much as I don't want to believe it, if the Daily Tidings reported this, then there must be some truth to it."

"What truth?!" An old man growled, approaching one of the young lads in the crowd. "Do you think that our High Lord is a traitor?"

"But the Daily Tidings won't post this unless they received confirmation from the Council."

"I don't care what the Daily Tidings thinks. Lord Tidus isn't a traitor!" The old man shouts to the crowd. "Don't forget who was it that appointed Lord Tidus to his position. It was none other than Her Sovereign Majesty, may Yggdrasil bless her soul, and if the late Empress believed in Lord Tidus, then so should we!"

"Hear! Hear!" As the crowd started cheering in support of Lord Tidus.

This was one of the many crowds that had formed in front of the bulletin board in numerous market places. Unlike the situation here, not all could be said the same. There were some who supported Lord Tidus while the rest were confused. They didn't know what to believe in. While they had known Lord Tidus to be a man of exemplary morals, the Lynevan Council was in control of the Daily Tidings and the Head of the Council was none other than Lord Tidus. What was true and what was false had created a blur line in the process.

In the midst of the chaos, further away from town, a portal opened in a nearby forest. From within, two people came crashing down from up above.

"Ouch, I think I broke my finger upon landing." Exclaimed Tallion as he slowly got up.

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