The Plan

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The next morning in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Hermione and I were taking notes on cures for werewolf bites. Quirrell seems shakier than usual, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was alright.

Ron and Harry were talking about something but, I was too interested in the lesson to turn around and ask what about. It wasn't until after the lesson that Harry spoke to us, "I'm going to play. If I don't, all the Slytherins will think I'm just too scared to face Snape. I'll show them . . . it'll really wipe the smiles off their faces if we win."

"Just as long as we're not wiping you off the field," said Hermione mumbled.

Although it was just a joke, I couldn't help but be worried by her words. I have always known Snape to be a determined man, but would he hurt Harry to get what he wanted? Snape has been hostile to Harry ever since they met, and has shown no compassion towards him.

The entire House seemed uneasy. Although we weren't aware of everything Harry, Ron, Hermione and I knew, we would be blind not to see Snape's bias. Everyone seemed tense as we awaited the upcoming game.

The day of the game, Hermione, Ron, and I were admittingly worried about Harry's well being and were having doubts about Harry playing. After saying goodbye to him at the locker room, we found a spot in the stands next to Neville, who was confused as to why we were so bothered or why we brought our wands to the match.

Hermione was reminding Ron of the leg locking curse, since it was probably the only curse he could manage, "Now, don't forget, it's Locomotor Mortis,"

"I know," Ron snapped at her, biting his lip in worry. "Don't nag."

"Relax, everything is going to be fine. Hermione and I have been practicing all the spells possible to keep Harry safe", I tell Ron.

He seemed relieved but not for long, because right after I said that, Dumbledore walked up to us with a smile, "Do you two fine students mind if I take my goddaughter to watch the game with me? Ella?"

I give Dumbledore a smile before getting up and grabbing my things before following him to the faculty booth. They both give me scared looks. I mouth to Ron not to worry, knowing that Hermione can handle things on her own.

Nobody seemed overly shocked by my relation to Dumbledore, I always believed that it was because Harry caught all the attention, which I was thankful for. Thankfully, the entire debacle of my royal status seemed to dissipate after autumn, although I still had to explain to people I met that I just like to be called Ella and that curtseying was unnecessary.

Dumbledore and I take our seats at the faculty booth, looking at the game began. Dumbledore leans over to me, moving his beard back, "I love my socks, I am wearing them right now."

I grin, although I am distracted by the angry look on Snape's face, "I'm glad you like them."

We didn't speak much after that, as we watched the game. Although Dumbledore and I rarely spoke when we were together, we both enjoyed the calming silence of each other's company. We were both very quiet when we wanted to be.

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