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"This is ridiculous." I couldn't help but grimace as I took in all of the screaming girls standing with their parents and friends and whoever else they'd managed to drag along with them.

"God, I can't wait." She was oblivious.

I gave her a dry stare. She stood from rummaging around in her huge bag and puffed out a breath, blowing a perfectly curled lock of her golden brown hair in the process, and put her hands on her hips.

"Stop," was all she replied.



I rolled my eyes and crossed my own arms, popping out a hip.

"Seriously?" I paused and she raised her eyebrows. "We're the oldest here by like..." I scanned the room, "...six years. You think that's okay?"

"Look, Milo, I don't care if we're slightly older than most of the people here. Hell, I wouldn't care if the age difference was twenty years, okay? I'm finally getting to live my dream. The least you could do is even just pretend to be happy for me."

I sighed and rolled my eyes again before moaning out my defeat. "Fine, but don't expect me to rush up to these...these strangers..." I eyed her with intent, "and slobber all over them like a puppy with rabies."

She grinned. "I'm in full support of that; more touchy-feely time for me, anyway." She wiggled her eyebrows and a few of the surrounding parents shot her a quick glance.

Eden has been my best friend since we were fourteen and I moved to her high school. We even share an apartment and go to college together. We'd do anything for each other. That being said, I still protested for a good six months before bowing under the pressure of her constantly begging me to come to this meet and greet with her. I'm not into YouTube at all and I've never even heard of these supposedly God-like twins that she babbles on about at all hours of the day so you can imagine how I'm feeling at this point, standing in a large hall almost 300 miles away from my home and crammed full of thirteen-year-old girls pissing themselves to see these dudes. Speaking of piss...

"Eden, do you know where the bathrooms are?"

"Huh?" She was texting.

"Bathrooms. Have you seen any?"

She looked up at me and paused, thinking. "No."


"Great. If I'm not back in six hours, send help." I winked and started pushing my way through the mass of preteens and fresh teens whining about the length of the queue and the temperature and their hunger and whatever else you could possibly think about. Eventually I found rope and ducked under it, gasping as if I'd just come crawling out of the ocean - a sweaty ocean reeking of Victoria's Secret body spray and perspiration.

I tried to look for signs but it was completely hopeless since I'm basically blind, so I pulled out my glasses and tried to figure out where I needed to go. Apparently no one in this joint has a bladder of any kind because I'd been walking for at least twenty five minutes when I'd almost given up, but that's when an angel in the disguise of a men's room presented itself to me.

Now, I'm not proud of what came next. I even stopped walking to debate whether or not I should go for it, but I was a goner. Past the point of no return. That bottle of water I'd stopped sipping from because I was bored an hour ago was almost all over the floor so, after darting my gaze around the empty hall, I legged it and found a stall to go to town in. Yeah, I know. Embarrassing. It's not one of my best moments but it had to be done. I'd just flushed when I heard the door to the toilets swing open which made the air stall in my lungs. I stepped back from the stall door and tried to slow my pulse, I did not need to be caught in this humiliating state. After I heard a door slam, I flew out of the stall so I could get the fuck out of there...and that's when it happened.

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