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'What do you do?'

I furrowed my brow. 'What do you mean?'

'I mean, like, what's your profession?'

I guess I'd never told him before. Huh.

'I'm a dancer but most of my income comes from working for an ocean cleanup company.'

'No shit?'

I laughed. 'We're not all famous YouTubers, Grayson.'

'I know, I'm just surprised that that's what you do.'

'What did you think I did? What vibes do I give?'

'I thought you were a struggling actor or a singer.'

I laughed. 'I do like singing, but just as a hobby.'

He winked. 'Knew it.'

'Oh, shut up. You did not.'

'Sing for me,' he said.

'You're a madman.'

'C'mon, they're doing karaoke. Sing me a song.'

I bit my lip, smiling. 'Fine.'

'Yes,' he cheered, pumping a fist.

I stood and went to the DJ, writing down the song I wanted to sing on a piece of paper.

I held the microphone in both of my hands and looked Grayson in the eyes as 'Powerful' by Major Laser and Ellie Goulding started up. I even took the mic off of the stand and walked across the small stage, putting on a bit of a performance. Everyone cheered and I smiled and curtseyed. Grayson came to the front of the stage and lifted me by the waist, spinning me around.

'You were so good!'

I laughed and kissed him. 'I'm starving, let's get some food.'

'Now you're speaking my language, Milo Carter.'

I'd done all that I needed to do to guarantee I wasn't going to be a teen mom anytime soon and we'd decided to go out for dinner to celebrate how our very bad decision hadn't badly impacted our lives.

I was wearing a black sparkly cowl neck bodycon dress with clear block heels and Grayson was wearing khaki coloured trousers with a shortsleeved black T-shirt and white trainers.

I never used to think so much about what I wore. I'd always try dress the best I could with the money I had but I'm now finding myself trying to do even better, to think about what he would like and pulling out all the stops to get there. It's bad for me to look my best for a guy, yet I'm really enjoying it. I like having someone that truly appreciates me and the effort I put into my clothes and even the hard work I put in at the gym - although I've only been once since I got here.

I guess what I'm saying is that I really like having a guy like me. It's been a while but it was well worth the wait.


Hearing Milo sing last night was one great experience. I've always said that being a good singer makes a girl ten times hotter and that still rings true.

During our dinner date, I managed to squeeze it out of her that she plays the piano and guitar, so obviously I've been itching to see, and hear,  these abilities for myself.

While she was still sleeping this morning - she started out in Ethan's old bed but ended up crawling into mine during the night - I googled music stores near us and I told her that I had a whole day of fun planned for us.

We got dressed and walked along the strip together before having some breakfast. I took her into the amusement park in Circus Circus and we rode all of the rides in there like the big kids we are. After that, I finally lead her to the music store.

'Grayson, what is this?'

I kept her hand in mine and turned to her, walking backwards. 'You know, I'm actually in the market for some musical instruments.'

'You are, are you?' she asked, amused.


'And...this isn't some sort of ruse to get me to play for you?'

I pulled her towards the wall of guitars. 'Now that you mention it, that does sound like something I might be interested in.'

She traced her fingers over a few before she spotted one that she really liked and picked it up. I found a small table against the wall and we sat in the two chairs.

'Any requests?'

'Dealers choice,' I replied.

She thought about it for a second before she started plucking the strings. I wasn't sure what song it was until she started singing, then I realised it was a cute acoustic version of "goodnight n go" by Ariana Grande. I put my chin in my hand and listened to her. She'd look up at me sometimes and smile, and those were my favourite parts even though I did love watching her look at what she was doing on the guitar.

I hooted and clapped for her when she finished, gaining some applause from the other customers. She covered her face with her hands, blushing like crazy.

'Oh my god.'

I laughed. 'One more. Please.'

'Do you really like it when I sing?' She peeked out of her fingers.

'I love it,' I assured.

'One more, then you're playing the piano for me.'

'Me play for you?'

'Don't think I forgot about you telling me you also happened to know a few notes.'

'Let's just see how this encore goes.'

'Okay then, loser. Get ready to be choked to death by my rock n roll ways,' she said, picking up the guitar again.

Contrary to her promise of rock n roll, the song she sang was "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Rae.

Every time she opens her mouth I feel like I'm hypnotised. I sat and watched her, smiling like a goofy idiot the whole time, and couldn't help but fall a little further for her. How could I not? She was playing and singing like an angel, sunlight from the window was making her hair look like liquid gold and her eyes look like the Mediterranean, and she was lost in the moment while also being aware of my longing staring.

She strummed the last chord and we locked eyes. 'You take my breath away.'


I stuttered. 'I-'

'Let's just-'

'Yeah,' I said, hanging the guitar back up and walking to the pianos. I sat on one of the benches and gestured for him to join me.

'What do you want me to play?' he asked.

'I don't know. What do you have in your repertoire?'

'Ummm..."Cry to Me" by Solomon Burke?'

I gaped at him. 'No way. I love that song!'

'Really? I only learned it because my sister was super into Dirty Dancing when we were kids and I wanted to play it for her.'

'That's literally so cute, oh my god.'

He got a little flushed and looked away. 'The song came to mind 'cause, you know, you're a dancer.'

'Look at you being all nice and stuff,' I said, ruffling his hair.

'Get off, freak. You'll need to sing it for me anyway; I'm tone deaf.'

I scoffed. 'I think these poor patrons are sick of hearing my voice.'

'Never,' he said, and started playing.

Gotta admit: watching him play was a massive turn on. I mean, wow. I didn't think I'd be so into instrumental guys, but let me tell you, I almost forgot quite a few lines from being so caught up in him.

'Grayson, that was so fucking hot,' I mumbled. 'You're really good at that.'

'You found that hot?' I nodded. 'Nice. Now I've got another thing to impress the ladies with.'

I rolled my eyes but I smiled, anyway.

Where did you go? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ