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'I need to leave in thirty minutes for my flight, can we make this quick?'

'You look like shit,' Ethan said.

I put my forehead in my hand and my elbow on the table. 'Pick up the pace, Dolan.'

'Seriously, did you sleep at all?'

'I got, like, five hours, I've just been...' I wasn't ready to discuss my nonstop crying with him, that's awfully cringe.

'Yeah,' he said with a grimace, knowing. 'I wanted to talk about us.'

'There is no us,' I mumbled, clutching my skull.

'There's always an us. I'm not letting you go that easy, Milo.' He reached across the table and took the hand that wasn't holding my brain in place.

I looked up at him. 'We shouldn't have gone there.'

'Yeah, but...that doesn't mean we can't still be friends.'

'I'd really like that,' I admitted.

He gripped my hand and pulled me up, wrapping me in a hug and putting his chin on my head.

We separated and I looked at my cases. 'I'd better go. Eden's probably waiting.'

'I don't think so. By my calculations, we've got another 28 minutes,' he said, looking at his watch.

I smiled, shaking my head and sitting back down.

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