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His smooth chest was under my palm and cheek and I could feel him breathing. One of my eyes cracked open just to make sure I was right and, yep, his tanned muscles were all I could see before I scrunched my eye closed again and mouthed 'shit'.

A loud knocking came from the door.

Shit, shit, shiiiiit.

I quickly glanced at Ethan's face to check to see if he had woken up but he hadn't, so I jumped up and grabbed the first article of clothing I could find, which happened to be one of E's long sleeved T-shirts.

I ran to the door and cracked it open, only to be met with a familiar set of hazel eyes.



'What are you...?' I shot a look into the room before stepping outside and very slowly closing the door behind me. And I mean right behind me. Like, it was still touching my back and my shirt almost got caught in it. I kept my spine against the cold wood and my hand on the handle, the back of it pressed against my lower back, but I finally looked up at Grayson.

'We need to talk,' he said.

'Yeah, but not here. He's asleep,' I whispered, nodding to the door.

'He won't wake up if that's what you're worried about. He sleeps like a log.'

'Oh,' I said, still trying to be quiet.

Grayson frowned. 'You smell like him.'

'Do I?' I asked.

'And...is that his shirt?'

I looked down as if seeing it for the first time. 'Looks like it.'

'Why are you wearing his shirt?' he questioned, pointing at it.

'I couldn't find any pyjamas. And anyway, how did you even know that this was our room?'

He opened and closed his mouth. I'd only asked to throw him off of my scent and distract him but now I really was curious. A long and suspicious thirty seconds passed before he finally responded. 'Can we walk?'

I was taken aback by the sudden change in conversation. 'I...'


I bit my lip.

I really shouldn't.

'Please?' he asked again, quieter and less like a question.

'I just...I need to change and...' I touched my head.


My hair was all tangled and matted.

'My hair,' was all I could say.

'Yeah, you've got a serous case of bed head,' he replied, grinning. 'You still look cute though. One day I'll need to get you into one of my shirts.'

I gaped at him.

Did he just...

'Meet me downstairs in twenty.'

I didn't have time to confirm or deny as he walked away.

I hit my skull against the door and slid down so I was sitting.

My head was scrambled and I knew exactly what had scrambled it. If having sex with Ethan hadn't emotionally mixed everything up, it physically would have; yeah, his dick is that big. It felt like it was probing my brain and switching all of my organs around. I knew I would be walking funny for at least a month after my night riding that pogo stick.

What now?

I stood and went back inside. Ethan was still out so I quietly walked to the desk and switched on my straighteners, putting my elbows on the surface and bowing my head.

'A room with a view. Nice.'

I jumped and held my hand to my heart. 'Oh my god, Ethan. For fuck's sake.'

'I'm awake,' he said, jokingly cheery through his sleep-clogged voice.

'Yeah, thanks for the heads up.'

He raised his eyebrows. 'You're wearing my shirt?'

'Sorry, I had to answer the door and I had nothing to wear.'

'Don't apologise, you look hot.'

I grinned. He spread his arms and flexed his fingers, wordlessly asking me to come to him, so I padded over to where he was sitting with his back propped against the headboard and his ankles crossed in front of him and gave him what was supposed to be a quick hug, but he pulled me up until I was straddling him. We cuddled for a minute before he took my cheek in his hand and gently kissed me.

'Who was at the door?'

I hesitated. He frowned.

'What's wrong?'

I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. 'It was Grayson.'

He stiffened under me and dropped his hand from my face to my thigh. 'What did he want?'

'He just wanted to talk...' He scoffed. '...to me.'


I nodded.

'And you're going to hear him out,' he stated.

'Ethan, I am one hundred percent on your side, okay? Nothing he can say could sway me,' I reassured, holding his face in my hands. He put his own over mine.

'And what about us?'

The corner of my mouth perked up. 'What about us?'

'Are we still good?'

'Of course,' I replied, stamping a quick kiss to his lips and smiling at him before hopping off of the bed and making a start on my hair.

After I'd gotten dressed in my outfit of the day - a white button up shirt unbuttoned to the middle of my chest with one shoulder off, exposing part of my black lacy bra, tucked into black skinny jeans and paired with a pair of block heels - I turned to face Ethan who was currently lying with only his head propped up and was on his phone.

He quickly glanced up then scowled. 'That's not even fair. You're dressed way too nice to be meeting up with Grayson.'

'I always dress nice,' I smiled sarcastically and made my way to my bag but he interrupted.

'Ah-ah-ah. No. Over here, first.'

I rolled my eyes and got onto the bed, crawling over to him and lying in between his legs with my arms in a plank position at his shoulders so we were face-to-face.

'Yes?' I asked.

He grabbed my ass. 'Don't be too long; we've got plans.'

'Oh, we have, have we?' I teased, brushing a strand of his hair out of his face.

'Yes, we do,' he said, lightly kissing me.

You see, Ethan and I don't really do many 'light kisses', so it gradually deepened until we were making out but slowly. He moved his left hand up so that he was clutching my left side, plastering me to him, and the other stayed on my ass.

I pulled out of the drugging vortex thing and pressed one last kiss to his mouth. 'I promise I'll be back soon, okay?'

'Okay,' he grumbled. 'I'll miss you.'

'I'll miss you too,' I said, beaming as I left the room.

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