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'Woo!' I hooted, dragging myself into a barstool and trying to catch my breath. 'It's crazy out there.'

'It sure is,' someone said from beside me. I swung round to look at him. 'Adam.'

I took his outstretched hand hand shook. 'Milo.'

'Pretty name for a pretty girl.'

I usually would've smiled politely, but I was a bit - okay, a lot - tipsy, so I grinned wide. He took it as a go sign.

'So what brings you here tonight?' He shouted over the music.

'Just wanted a little fun,' I replied. He nodded.

'Who are you here with?'

'No one. My friends suck ass,' I said, still grinning.

'You're alone? Dressed like that?'

I looked down at myself. 'What's wrong with how I'm dressed?'

It looked like he laughed but I couldn't hear it. 'Nothing at all. You look delectable. That's the point.'


That word rubbed me the wrong way.

'Okay, well I'd, um...I'd better go...' I said, looking into the crowd.

'But we just started talking,' he replied, grabbing my wrist. 'You wouldn't want to be rude, would you?'

'Look, I'm just trying to have a good time. Can you take your hand off of me?'

'Oh, I'll show you a good time,' he sneered.

'Let go of me,' I shouted, trying to tug my arm out of his grip while his other hand creeped up my leg.

Just then, an arm wrapped around my stomach and a big mass pressed against my back.

Three hands?

'The nice lady just told you to let go of her, fucker,' his low voice growled from behind me.

'Yeah? And who are you?'

'I'm her boyfriend. Who the fuck are you?'

I turned my head so that my chin was pointing at the creeper guy and my forehead was pressed against mystery man's chest, my eyes looking at the ceiling. Then his face came above me, parallel to my own.

'Gray?' I said.

He looked forward at the guy again.

'The little slut didn't mention she had a boyfriend. She said she was here alone,' he spat.

'And that somehow gives you permission to touch her when she specifically asked you not to?' He didn't reply. 'Fuck off.'

The guy glared at the both of us and Grayson put his other huge arm around me, fully hugging me from behind. Adam left, but I didn't really notice.

I slid my hands up Grayson's arms until I reached his forearms. He put his chin on my shoulder.

'You good?' he mumbled into my ear, the vibrations of his words sending chills up my spine. I vigorously nodded my head.

We stayed like that for a while. It was kind of weird - spooning in a club like a couple in, well, anywhere else, might do - but I enjoyed it all the same.

'How are you here?' I finally asked, shifting my face to the side a little so my mouth was closer to his ear.

'I followed you.'

'Oh, okay.'

He chuckled. 'You're not mad that I low-key stalked you?'

'Mh-mh,' I replied, shaking my head.

'Why not?' His words blew my hair a little.

'Cause I like you,' I slurred.

'Friend kind of like?'

'Nope,' I said, popping the 'p'.

He moved around to in front of me, hands on my arms. 'Milo?'

'Let's dance.'


I stood and took his hand before he could say no, dragging him onto the dance floor.

In hindsight, I shouldn't have. Like, I really shouldn't have. But I sort of did, so it's too late for regrets.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he gripped my waist. One of my legs was in between his and one of his between mine. 'Started Out' by Georgia was playing and the best part of the song had started.

She sang about us being 'wicked young fools' and Grayson and I...we did a bit of dirty dancing, I guess. I swayed my hips to the beat and his arms banded around me. My triceps were on his shoulders and my hands were in his hair.

The next song came on, 'Do You Think About Me?' by Captain Cuts, and I - drunk off my ass and caught up in the moment - decided to turn around, one hand reaching behind me to stay in his hair. He held my waist - again - with both hands.

What did we do? 'What didn't we do?' would be more fitting. We slid against each other, I ground my hips into his, at one point he bit my ear.

After a few songs, I turned back around and resumed our previous positions while 'Desperado' by Rihanna blasted through the speakers. This song was slower than the others so things got a tad more intense. At one of the choruses I even put my arms over my head and lowered my back until my fingers scraped the floor before slowly coming back up.

'You're so fucking hot right now,' he mumbled into my ear.

I lightly slid my nose up his face, so light it was barely even touching his skin, until I reached his own nose. Our lips were so close it hurt, and what did I do? I whispered, 'thanks,' just to be a tease. I'd wanted a reaction. And, let me tell you, I got one.

He stepped away from me before grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd.

'Where are we going?!'

I stumbled and he caught me, pulling me against him. We continued wading through the hundreds of people until we burst out of the door. The cool breeze washed over me, letting me know how warm it had been on the dance floor.


He shoved me against an alley wall and his lips crashed into mine.

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