One Love

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They called her many names, none of which were pleasant. This was her reputation; going on dates with as many as 20 different guys in a month. That was her record so far. Spending at most a couple of weeks with one guy before moving on to the next. She acted like she didn't care; hence the reputation and name calling. But barely anyone knew her reasons, and only one person knew her story.

They filmed the remake of Meteor Garden together; Dylan as Daoming Si and Yue as Dong Shancai. It was going ever so smoothly until, one day, they both unknowingly broke the number one rule of the acting world; don't fall in love with cast mates, especially not your leading man/woman. They had done just that.
After breaking that first rule, they continued to break every single rule relating to them and their relationship. They started dating, and it went well, or at least in the beginning, they started dating during their Meteor Garden day as and throughout their new dramas, but soon after finishing his role in Ever Night 2, he got another job offer. This was not unusual, but this offer was different. Most of this new drama was going to be filmed out of the country, meaning they would not be able to see each other. His manager was also convinced that this new project needed his whole and undivided focus, which ended up in their managers talking to her, telling her that it would be getter for him to break up so he could focus.

It was late at night, the moon already soaring high in the sky. This night changed both of their lives drastically. Yue had convinced Dylan to take the new acting job. Tonight was the night before he left. And she had finally given in and listened to her manager. As she walked towards their agreed meeting spot, she saw that he was already there, and her heart sank down to her feet. She saw how he smiled at her when he saw her, how his smile faded when he saw her dark face. She sighed. This was going to be much harder than she thought. She could clearly hear the concern in his voice when he asked her what was wrong. When she told him they had to break up for his job, she could hear the despair and pain in his voice. She saw a new coldness in his eyes that had never been directed at her before that night. She saw the tears glinting in his eyes when he turned to walk away. And in that moment, she knew she had lost him forever.

That was all 4 years ago. Since then, she had been dating countless guys, trying to fill the emptiness inside her, trying to find the spark and sense of comfort she had had with Dylan in someone else, but to no avail. She was starting to realize that he was the only one she'd ever find what she was looking for in because he was the only one she had ever and would ever truly love. At this realization, she plunged further into despair, because she knew he probably hated her now and she would never have him back.
Dylan sat there, a half empty bottle in his hand. On this very day, 4 years ago, she had left him, saying it was "for his job." He scoffed. It wasn't for my job, she just never actually loved me, but I was too stupid to see that and I let her in. Dylan was on break until next year, so he had nothing to distract him from the pain. He also had nothing to distract him from the news and social media, resulting in him seeing all the news about her, which just brought back another round of fresh grief and pain. He knew he should just move on like she had done so easily, but he couldn't. He hated being in this state. He wished next year would come faster so he had a distraction from this. But now, the only distraction was alcohol. His phone dinged, and he sighed. His best friend was asking him to go to the bar. Dylan knew that he was just trying to help, but he didn't want to have to be around other people. He also knew that his friend wasn't going to let him sit around, "moping" as he would call it, so Dylan grudgingly drove to the bar.

After a long night a the bar, Dylan got in his car and started driving. He wasn't going home, but he didn't really know where he was going. He was just driving, eyes blank, lost in his thoughts. Usually, the alcohol took the memories and pain away, but this time, it just brought them all back in an overwhelming wave. The good times and the happiness that was ever so short lasting, the bad times and all the pain and sadness, and that night. He was lost in the memories, not focusing on the road, when there was a blur at the edge of his vision. A car had run their red light.
Time seemed to slow down as the car came towards his.
Oh well, there's no point of living without her, he thought.
He chuckled and gave a sad smile. How ironic. The one girl I have ever and will ever love is the only one I personally know that hates me. Why is life so cruel? He was thinking as the car smashed into his. His world rolled over and turned sideways, there was a flash of bright, white hot light just behind his eyes, and then everything went blank.
The next day.
Yue was browsing the recent news when she saw something that made her heart stop.

Famous actor Dylan Wang died in a car accident last night.

She couldn't believe it. He was dead. That guy who was so confident. The guy who was so outgoing. The guy that was so carefree.
The only man she will ever love.

Just like that.

She was numb. Even though they had broken up and no longer contacted each other, he had always still been in her life. She had known that if she really needed to, he would talk to her or comfort her. But now, all of it was gone. He was no longer in this world, and it hurt her. His absence left a growing hole inside her heart. His absence caused this sadness and pain to continuously eat at her living spirit, her fighting spirit, like acid on flesh, until it was no more. That's when she finally broke. Almost a year after his death.
She had locked herself in her closet. She was staring at the cup in her hand. She couldn't take it anymore. She had decided to try and find him again. And if it didn't work...
She didn't really care, because she couldn't continue life without him. Not being here is better than nothing, she thought, as she raised the cup to her mouth.
Yesterday, police found famous actress Shen Yue dead. She had drank poison in a suicide attempt.

A/N - Thanks for reading my story. I wrote this story from my friend's prompt "one love." A bunch of these stories will be written from prompts my friends give me. Sorry about this one being so depressing, my mind is just messed up like that.

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