Meteors To Heaven, pt 2 (happy)

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Shancai was driving to his workplace. She had finally realized that she loved Si, not Lei. She didn't know why it had taken her so long to realize, but now she was determined to not keep running from him like she had been. In all honesty, these new feelings scared her because she had never experienced anything like it before, and she didn't know what to do with them. So far, she had just pushed them down and hidden them and tried to distance herself as far as possible from Si- which was near impossible. She would always run into him at school, or he wouldn't stop following her around. It almost seemed like fate was trying to push them together, and fighting it had been draining her energy until she didn't want to fight it anymore. Which is how she ended up in the car.

Shancai was lost in her thoughts when she neared the building, so she didn't see the shadow against the already darkening sky until she realized that the traffic all around her had stopped. She was confused to as why they were all getting out of their cars, but then she saw the shadow. She couldn't tell what it was from this distance, but as it got closer and closer, she felt her blood go cold.

She realized what the shadow was. No, she realized who the shadow was.
It was Si.
She stood their, motionless, her jaw hanging open as he fell down, down, down. She was unable to do anything because she was paralyzed with shock, so she stood there watching as he was falling,


A/N: Sorry guys I'm back life's been kind of crazy and I didn't really know how to start this off.
Yes, I know I said this would be happy, and it will be, just not yet. Sorry about that.
Anyways, as always, thanks for reading my depressing trash. I don't know when the last part of this story will be out- it may be today, it may be in like two weeks- but I'll try to get my act together and write it.
Sorry, I'm just rambling now. Thanks for reading and sticking around this long.
- Horselife

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