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He stood there, helpless, watching as she turned and got on the bus with Lei. He couldn't believe it. She had left him for that sleepyhead. What did Lei have that he didn't?
As the bus pulled away, sudden desperation surged through his body. He couldn't let her go. He needed his Shancai in his life. He couldn't live without her. Without thinking, he started chasing the bus.
The bus was getting farther and farther away, but he couldn't give up. Desperation and fatigue making his vision blurry and his thoughts unclear and jumbled up, he kept running.

These past few weeks had been complete hell. He couldn't believe that Lei had betrayed him this badly AGAIN. He knew that he was short tempered and wasn't exactly nice, but did he really deserve such a cruel punishment?

Tell me what you hate about me. Whatever it is, I'm sorry.

Somewhere in the back of his head, he knew that he had lost, but he couldn't accept it He had tried to convince her multiple times to be with him instead of Lei. Each time had just made her avoid him even more, so he stopped. Now, all he could do was go on with his life, but it was so hard. He eventually just had to completely ignore them because the pain was too much. But he still saw them. He saw how happy she looked with Lei. And it killed him inside. But he couldn't let them know, so he had to just go around with everyday life, acting as if he was fine without her, pasting a fake smile on his face...

He wasn't paying attention anymore, the only thing he could see clearly was the bus. The rest of his vision was blurry, so he didn't see the black blur that was rushing towards him until it was too late. He realized that he must have ran in front of a car on the street, but because he was solely focused on the bus and getting Shancai back, he hadn't seen it.
He shut his eyes and stopped running. There was no escape. The driver was obviously drunk; otherwise they would've stopped by now. He knew he should feel something, anything, but by now he didn't even care that he was about to possibly be killed. Without her, his life was nothing, had no meaning, so why not just die? If he wasn't here, wouldn't that be better for them? He would no longer be a nuisance to them and they could date freely and without guilt without him in the way.
Shancai was just getting off the bus. She had realized that she couldn't live without him, so she was going to try to make things right, even if they didn't get a happy ending.
That's when she turned around and saw what was happening. Time slowed down. She started running towards him and screamed his name.

But it was too late.

He was already on the ground, a pool of blood collecting around him and growing quickly.
He woke up in the hospital, dazed, but he soon remembered what happened. He had gotten hit by a car when he was chasing the bus.
Rustling brought him back to the present, but the memories were still fresh on his mind.
Shancai left...


He looked around the room, his heart giving a little jump of hope. But it was soon crushed as he realized the only people in the room were Mrs. Yu and Zhuang.
So that's how much she hates me...
She doesn't even care that I almost died.

Why did I fall for her games like this again? Why do I have to be so stupid?

Why is life so cruel?
Why do I still have to deal with seeing Lei and Shancai together?

Why couldn't I have just died?

Sighing, he made up his mind. He knew what he had to do.
4 months later
He sighed.
Today was the day he was discharged from the hospital.
Neither Shancai or Lei had shown up in the past 4 months. Not a single time. This just made him more confident that this was the best choice, the right thing to do. As much as it would kill him inside to do this, he knew he had to. They obviously didn't care about him. He was just an obstacle in their way.

Today was the day he disappeared.

He stepped outside and took a deep breath of the outside air.

I guess that sometimes good things fall apart.

No one ever saw him again.

AN: Hey guys! As always, thanks for reading my stories and thanks for sticking around this long.
Should I continue this story or do I leave it here? I had an idea but I don't know how well it will turn out so I don't know if I should continue it.

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