Chapter 8

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Rhea's POV

I cautiously opened my eyes to see Phil talking with Carlisle and Jasper.

"Is she okay?" Phil asked.

"In a manner of speaking," Jasper growled out.

"Jasper," Carlisle chided. "She just needs to rest."

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice sounding like a frog died in it. Jasper helped me sit up in bed a bit more.

"Charlie called the house early this morning and told us what happened. We flew out as soon as we could," Phil said walking closer to the edge of my bed. "How are you feeling?"

Phil was always the nicer one so I decided to be civil with him. After all, it wasn't his fault my mother hates me, "Tired... Where's Renee?" I asked despite not really caring.

"Bella wanted to talk to her in private. You know how they get."

"That I do. Where's Dad?"

"He got called into the office," Carlisle answered. "He told me to tell you to call him if you needed him."

"Thanks, Carlisle."

The room filled in with an awkward silence. Jasper was still glaring intensely at Phil and Phil kept shifting, clearly uncomfortable, under Jasper's gaze.

"I think I better go tell your mother that you're awake," Phil said before scurrying out of the room.

"Well, that went well," I laughed. Carlisle cracked a small smile while Jasper just fretted over me. "Jas, I'm okay. Really." I tried to ease his worry to no avail.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to forget that part of my life. Start over just one more time."

"I just wish I could have helped you-"

I reached out and grabbed his hand. "You help me every day just by being there."

A knock sounded at the door effectively scaring me. Jas raced to open the door and Rose walked in. "How's the patient feeling?" she asked sitting on the foot of the hospital bed.

"Tired but fine. A little sick of hospital rooms through," I said.

"You should get some rest," Jas said trying and failing to herd Rose out of the room.

"If I ask you a question, will you answer me honestly?" I asked Rose.

"Of course," she said moving closer to me.

"How come you don't like Bella yet you like me?"

She let out an unneeded sigh, "You aren't wasting your life. You want a human life and all she wants is to be one of us. She does not stop talking about joining us and living forever. It's annoying."

"But even before we knew you didn't like her?" I was confused. Rose never seemed to like Bella.

"Vampires have mates. Emmett is mine but Bella isn't a mate, she's only a blood singer. And I know that once Edward finds his true mate he is going to forget about Bella and that's just going to cause problems. Vampires - just like humans, can be very protective of their mates and I don't want Edward to get hurt because your sister can't let go."

I was still confused. "So, how am I different?"

"Well, Darlin'," Jas said taking over the story, "you're my mate remember."

"Oh, you never told me what a mate is."

"That's a story for another day, promise."

"M'kay." I closed my eyes and leaned back into the bed. I felt a cold hand take my own and I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up a few hours later to find it pitch black outside. Jas told me that Carlisle let him stay the night before he used his powers on me to get me back to sleep. Early the next morning, I woke to Carlisle taking my IV's out. He told me that I could go home on the condition that I would take it easy for the new week or two. I promised that I would and he sent a nurse in with discharge papers and to help me get dressed.

The nurse helped me get into a wheelchair before rolling me to the front where Dad waited. Dad helped me into the cruiser before he drove us home. He helped me inside and to the couch before leaving for work. I decided to catch up on the work that I had missed that Alice had collected for me. After failing to concentrate for a good hour I put my books away. I laid down on the couch, draped a blanket over my midsection before closing my eyes.


I was running barefoot through the forest. I could hear something following me. Whoever it was had a heavier footstep than mine. I passed through a sunny part and the exposed skin sparkled like a thousand tiny diamonds. I involuntarily turned around and saw Jasper chasing me. I let a small giggle loose and it sounded like a tiny bell.

"I caught you," Jas said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So what are you going to do about it... Major," I whispered turning around in his embrace to face him.

He leaned down so his lips brushed against mine. I stood up on my tip toes, forcing out lips together. I wrapped my arms around his neck.


"Wake Up!" Bella yelled. I felt a soft pillow hit my face.

"Go away," I mumbled bringing the blanket up to my chin, not opening my eyes, hoping to get back to dream Jas.

"No! Go get dressed. We are going to Edwards'. Now, get up and get dressed. He will be here in thirty minutes." Bella roughly took the blanket from my grasp forcing the chill of the room on my exposed skin. I sluggishly walked upstairs, looked in the mirror, shrugged, and walked back downstairs. My outfit consisted of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt.

As I zombie walked back downstairs, Bella complained how slow I was. I neglected to remind her that I was in the hospital now twenty-four hours ago. She shoved a piece of toast in my face while darting around the first floor like a chicken with its head cut off.

The doorbell rang and Bella darted to answer the door. Edward stood on the other side of the threshold. Once again I zombie walked to the car. Once I was inside I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window, wishing for the aches wracking my body to leave.

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