Author's Note

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Hello and welcome!! Thank you for choosing to read this story I really hope you enjoy :))

Copy right:

Don't copy my book please, I work really hard on all of my books!! I think everyone is talented in their own way so don't copy me and come up with your own amazing stories... and if you can't do that then don't write!!!! Thanks :))


Started: June 1st, 2019



Lots of 'colorful' langue and possible mature themes


All of this is a figment of my imagination, names and most places are all made up, sorry if I offend anyone I don't try to... but if I do feel free to address me in the comments or by messaging me and we can talk about it if need be.


I don't mind con constructive criticism but I won't take rude comments, if you don't like my story then don't read it nobody is making you read it so save us all the drama and if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!! And I have a lot of readers/friends on here that I know/have made and they will hunt you down because none of us take this kind of stuff lightly!! :) I AM HUMAN AND I DO make mistakes and I'm not the best at spelling and grammar so I apologize in advance for that.


I DO NOT have a regular updating schedule, I update whenever I have time or feel like I can write something that's not going to suck. Unfortunately I get writers block A LOT and it sucks ass, but it happens not much I can do about it sorry. And PLEASE don't forget that all of us writers (myself included) have LIVES and school just like everyone else, so DON'T PRESSURE US OR BE RUDE ABOUT THE FACT THAT WE'RE NOT UPDATING YOU WON'T GET UPDATES ANY FASTER BY BEING RUDE AND ANNOYING US!!!! I TRY to update as OFTEN as I can!!

Reading/ Reading your books

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read I proably read more than I interact with real humans it's kind of a problem but not really, (this is also part of the reason I never update.. sorry..) That being said I LOVE to read your books and give you pointers and tip, but I just don't have to time to read everybody's books as much as I want to I just can't; that being said I won't be taking requests to read anyone's books... I'm sorry

If you need help or tips/ just need to talk to someone because you're going through a hard time

If you need help or pointers in writing I would be MORE than happy to help or give pointers to the best of my ability feel free to leave a comment, message me on wattpad, shoot me an email at, or on my Instagram reagygirl02wattpad I try my hardest to always respond to people's comments and messages :)) That being said this is a safe environment and if you ever need to talk to someone about anything that you're going through I would be more than happy to talk with you!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜


Thanks for whoever read all that I know it was a lot...  And THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for reading my books I honestly don't know what'd I'd without all of your love and support so thank you all for that!!! 💜💜💜

  And THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for reading my books I honestly don't know what'd I'd without all of your love and support so thank you all for that!!! 💜💜💜

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