Chapter 6

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"Get him!!! Go, go, yessss!!!!"

"And Bayside wins the game!!!"

I briskly walked down to where I would find Jonah and Noah, to congratulate them on their win.

"Great job guys, you totally kicked their ass!"

"Thanks Kota, I'm pretty sure the Wendy's down the road heard you cheering and screaming." Noah said walking over to meet us.

So what I was a little competitive and a little into sports.....

So what? Sue me. Don't actually because I'm already broke.

"Please you wouldn't know what to without me telling you what to do and to watch your back."

"She does have a point Noah.... I mean that one guy almost had yo-"

"Ok ok I get it continue your screaming; your vocal cords."


"Hey sunshine, fancy seeing you here."

"Fancy seeing you here? Who are you? Does anyone even say that anymore?"

"Make fun all you want because you're stuck with me the rest of the night."

"You know it's really annoying when you're right, it's a rare occasion but still annoying."


It's currently 12:45 in the morning.... and I'm like 97% sure this isn't legal under any circumstances.

On the bright side we're almost done and Holden hasn't been that annoying.... until now.

He's bored and he's hungry so naturally, he's annoying me to entertain himself.

I put my headphones in about twenty minutes ago when he started singing sweatshirt and then he forgot the words and started singing the entire frozen soundtrack.

Who knew.... I'm not hating on frozen though just Holden.

Note to self: don't let Holden pick music... ever.


What the....? Popcorn?

I looked to Holden, who was sitting at the opposite end of the bleacher that I was.

And he was pretending to be looking the other way, because ya know he's just so innocent.

Just ignore him and he'll get bored and quit.

Spoiler, he didn't get bored he kept throwing popcorn, so finally I looked at him; he had moved down towards me and was looking away again.

We continued to play this game, I would look away, he'd scoot down. If I looked away for too long then he'd throw a piece of popcorn at me and the cycle would continue.

Now he was right beside me; our legs were touching and it was physically impossible for him to get any closer.

But Holden being Holden found a way and put his arm around me.

Truth be told it didn't really bother me that much anymore, in a way it was kind of comforting.

Considering, how chilly it was.

I sighed, "Yes, Holden?"

"So I was thinking we're both out anyway and I have to drive you home anyway sooooooo what if we went and got food because I am starving, like at any moment I could pass out from starvation..and you don't want to be responsible for that do you?"

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